[EBB Sightings] Waxwings and squirrel vs. mockingbirds
[EBB Sightings] Waxwings and squirrel vs. mockingbirds
Thu Apr 17 09:56:46 PDT 2008
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Saw a pair of cedar waxwings this morning in the Oakland Laurel district sunning themselves on my neighbor's tree. One was quite plump. Given the height and lack of foliage it's a favorite bird hangout.
Last night it was mano a mano - mockingbirds vs. squirrel in my bottlebrush.
Always thought of that tree as a poor nesting choice. Several years ago a hooded oriole scoped it out and ended up moving down the street. Still, it looks like the birds are in it for the long haul as I spotted one of them carrying nesting material to my tree this morning.
We'll see what happens.
Marcus Pun
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