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Mon Sept 25 in Oakland
At the Oakland Rose Garden: Townsend's Warbler, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Calif. Towhees, Robins, Juncos and more. From Grand Ave turn onto Jean Street and go one block. There are Redwoods, Oaks and other large trees. The main action was nearest the entrance. Continuing up Grand Avenue, you come to Piedmont Ave in about 1 mile. Turn right for one block to the cemetery.
At Mountain View Cemetery: Another Townsend's Warbler, Western Bluebirds, Calif. Towhees, both Steller's and Western Scrub Jays, Mallards, Great Egret, Double-crested Cormorant, American Goldfinch, Double-crested Cormorant, Mourning Dove, Robins, Anna?s Hummingbird, Black Phoebes, Brown Creeper, and a Red-shouldered Hawk calling and circling overhead. The cemetery is at the upper end of Piedmont Avenue, off of Pleasant Valley Ave. 51st Street becomes Pleasant Valley at Broadway and Pleasant Valley becomes Grand a few blocks south of Piedmont Ave. The best birding is around the perimeter of the cemetery and at the upper levels; there are several ponds, lots of mature trees including Coast Live Oak, and excellent views of the bay area from the top.
kathy jarrett
kathy_jarrett at
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