[EBB Sightings] Emeryville to Seabreeze

[EBB Sightings] Emeryville to Seabreeze

Alan Howe
Fri Nov 11 18:52:06 PST 2005
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    Hi all.
      Took a late afternoon bike ride from Emeryville up
    the EB trail to University. The highlight was my first
    American Wigeon of the season in the stream right
    behind the Seabreeze.
      Also spotted (some IDs better than others)...
      To the south of the Emeryville peninsula:
      --A huge raft of d-c cormorants sprinkled with
    gulls, all facing toward the west into the wind (many
    of the cormorants flew off and landed further out in
    the bay as I watched for a while);
      --Large mixed rafts of ruddy ducks and greater scaup
    (there might have been a few lessers mixed in; they
    were out a ways)--it was rather amusing as, at one
    point, all the ducks were facing toward and moving to
    the east, with all the cormorants facing west behind
      --A few buffleheads among the other ducks;
      --Clark's grebes
      --Pied-billed grebes (also quite a few of these at
    Berkeley Aquatic Park);
      --A couple of br pelicans way in the distance;
      --A fair number of shore birds on the mud flats, but
    too distant to be able to ID well.
      To the north of Emeryville and behind the Seabreeze:
      --A probable willet or 2;
      --A few whimbrels;
      --Quite a few semipalmated plover (I think) settled
    down on the mudflats, with 
      --what I'm assuming were least sandpipers (they were
    tiny, even next to the plover).
      At Aquatic Park:
      --G B heron;
      --snowy egret;
      --plenty of mallards, as usual.
    Have a great weekend, all.
    Alan Howe
    North Oakland
    Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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