[EBB Sightings] Martinez & Vicinity: Tundra Swan, Cackling Goose, G. W-f Goose and more

[EBB Sightings] Martinez & Vicinity: Tundra Swan, Cackling Goose, G. W-f Goose and more

David Diller
Fri Nov 11 16:39:10 PST 2005
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    Today I was able to steal away from my office/home in Martinez for a few hours of birding squeezed in between work:
    1) 8:15-9:30 am Martinez Regional Shoreline. High Tide
     Since moving to Martinez earlier this year, I 've become increasingly impressed with the variety and relative tameness of birds that can be spotted in this 344 acre reserve:
    Sora(finally seen instead of just heard, from the concrete bridge, near the arch bridge)
    Green Heron (in the creeklet by Ferry St)
    White-tailed Kite(1flyover near Granger's Wharf, another e. of the soccer field)
    Lincoln's Sparrow (connector boardwalk btwn Pickleweed and Duck Pond Trails)
    Marbled Godwit, A. Avocet, Bn Stilt, Willet, Black-bellied Plover, Greater Yellowlegs (all at the northern end of the Duck Pond, very easy to photograph) (no peeps this time)
    Glaucous-winged Gull(marina)
    Common Goldeneye, W. Grebe and California Sea Lion (offshore)
    A. White Pelican (in flight offshore)
    Good Looks at Common Yellolwthroats and Marsh Wrens 
    flock of 20 + American Pipits in the baseball diamond 
    several other commoner species (total 44)
    2)  Mallard Reservoir between 2:30-2:45 pm. Located near the Naval Weapons Station and the Arnold Industrial Park just beyond Concord city limits. Visible from Bates Ave and Mason Cir .You can try perhaps to get permission to park at a nearby business and walk across Bates with care where(a Sunday visit would be better) you can without trespassing get a good view thru the chainlink fence  of this large reservoir. I never visited this place before, and was pleasantly surprised:
    Tundra Swan-10 birds quite close
    A. White Pelican -8
    Caspian Tern-1
    several Gadwall, N. Shoveler , Dc Cormorants
    huge numbers! of A. Coots ( multiple thousands?)
    unidentified Grebes (distant, in poorlight)
    many Canada Geese and gulls (ran out of time , but I will be back)
    3) Before heading back to my office , another brief stop with intention of studying the pipits
    at the M. R. Shoreline baseball diamond between 3:00-3:15
    Pipts gone. 
    Present were 50 Canada Geese feeding and resting in the field with 3 Greater White-fronted Geese (likely the same 3 seen a few days ago in Alhambra Creek), and 2 distinctively small and stubby-billed Cackling Geese.
    Also a lovely male W. Bluebird and 2 Flickers added to my parklist.
    I had a good day at work!
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