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Re: Goldeneyes in Tilden Nature Area
Mon, 01 Dec 2003 07:05:24 -0800
From: Dave Quady


I spent a little time looking at this goldeneye at Jewel Lake in the Nature Area of Tilden Regional Park (Berkeley Hills) yesterday morning, before I looked at George Griffeth's photos. To my eye the bird looked fine for a Common Goldeneye. Its bill is oddly colored, being bright orangeish-yellow near the tip, grading through pale yellow into a duskier, coppery color at its base. Its dark nail contrasted strongly with the overall faded yellowish tones of the rest of the bill. The bill did not seem short and stubby as a Barrow's Goldeneye's should be. And the outline of its head, which varied somewhat depending on posture and whether it had just dived, looked right for Common Goldeneye - always generally pyramidal in profile, with the peak of the head directly above or just slightly behind its eye. As George said, it was nice to see a goldeneye on Jewel Lake, no matter its species.

Thinking there might also be goldeneyes on Lake Anza, I spent a few minutes checking there on my way home. The only diving ducks I saw were a male Bufflehead and about a half-dozen Ring-necked Ducks. I didn't look for the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker at the visitor center.

Dave Quady
Berkeley, California

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Tufted Duck not found at Berkeley shoreline
Mon, 01 Dec 2003 16:09:23 -0800
From: Douglas Vaughan

I tried without success to find the Tufted Duck in Berkeley on the Bay north of Ashby Ave, both yesterday morning and this afternoon - both times in the rain, unfortunately. Did the reported bird show an unmistakable tuft, or should I have been looking for more subtle field marks (which I would likely have overlooked)?

Much obliged.

Doug Vaughan

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Re: Tufted Duck not found at Berkeley shoreline
Mon, 1 Dec 2003 17:09:31 -0800 (PST)
From: Bob Power

Unmistakable tuft, Doug.

Good luck, Bob Power

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Tufted Duck at Berkeley shoreline
Tue, 2 Dec 2003 08:58:06 -0800 (PST)
From: Bob Power


This morning, with the sun at our backs and the bay exceedingly flat, my son Sam and I were able to locate the Tufted Duck in approximately its "normal" location off the Berkeley shoreline. This morning it was at the back side of the northeasternmost concentration of Lesser Scaup and Redheads - maybe 50 yards north of the parking area that is one-eighth mile north of where Ashby Ave ends at the Bay. The flotilla is typically 50 to 100 yards offshore. Other than the tuft, the Tufted Duck is showing a darker back than the surrounding gray/white-backed scaup, and brownish/white (smudgy? dingy?) flanks. The tuft is easier to pick up on than the other field marks. In any event, this bird is not showing the really clean black back / white flanks of breeding males depicted in most guides.

Good birding,
Bob Power

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Berkeley Marina
Sat, 06 Dec 2003 17:54:20 -0800
From: John Poole

Dear Birders:

Today the Chickadee Club visited the Berkeley Marina. We compiled the following list:

The Harris's Sparrow continues to visit my back yard - especially around 4:00 PM.

Good Birding!
John Poole

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