[EBB Sightings] Miller/Knox Regional Shoreline willows

[EBB Sightings] Miller/Knox Regional Shoreline willows

Matt Ricketts
Wed Mar 25 22:34:42 PDT 2009
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    I spent approx. 45 minutes birding the willow thicket and oak woodland 
    east of Dornan Drive at Miller/Knox Regional Shoreline this morning in 
    the hopes of seeing some migrants (this area is slightly east and 
    upslope from the boardwalk, which is located across the street from the 
    main parking lot and between the yellow Richmond Ramblers building to 
    the north and the Golden State Model Railroad Museum to the south). 
    Observations of interest included a single Warbling Vireo (song only), 
    1-2 Townsend's Warblers (saw one and think I heard another singing), 
    Hermit Thrush (5), Lincoln's Sparrow (1), and Fox Sparrow (1). Lingering 
    along with these last four winter residents were several Ruby-crowned 
    Kinglets (two in full song) and a few Yellow-rumped Warblers. I plan on 
    checking this area at least once a week over the next month and a half 
    or so (I work in Pt. Richmond)...hopefully migrant activity will pick up 
    a bit.
    Matt Ricketts
    El Cerrito

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