[EBB Sightings] Loggerhead shrike sighting at Berkeley meadow

[EBB Sightings] Loggerhead shrike sighting at Berkeley meadow

Tue Oct 28 14:56:41 PDT 2008
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    > Date: Friday, October 24, 2008, 5:23 PM
    > From my birding partner, Kevin: ?????????? 
    > I would like to report what I consider to be a very
    > significant bird sighting.? Over a 2-day period, I have
    > made 3 separate sightings of a
    > Loggerhead Shrike in he same location.?
    > These sightings were made On Monday Oct. 16th & Tuesday
    > Oct. 17th at
    > the Berkeley Meadow.? Although possibilities exist, I
    > believe it most likely that all 3 sightings were of the same
    > bird.? In my four years of birding, this is only the second
    > Loggerhead Shrike I have ever seen, the other sighting being
    > in San Joaquin Valley in 2006.?? I
    > understand that Shrike numbers are declining dramatically. 
    > ??????????? The Berkeley Meadow is a part of the
    > Eastshore Park system, and is bordered by Hwy. 880,
    > University Ave., Marina Blvd., and a body of water my
    > birding partner and I call the Berkeley Lagoon.? The lagoon
    > encompasses Cesar Chavez Park as it flows into the S.F.
    > Bay.? For some
    > time, this has been one of our favorite birding
    > locations.? From the meadow one can observe a variety of
    > songbirds and raptors, including a resident pair of
    > White-tailed Kites.? A simple turn of the head towards the
    > lagoon can reveal a wealth of both seasonal and resident
    > shore and aquatic birds.??  
    > ??????????? A dirt road running east and west
    > separates the meadow from the lagoon, and it was here that I
    > first observed the Logger-head Shrike.? It was perched atop
    > a large, sturdy, dry bush from which it was hunting.? For 5
    > minutes or so, I watched as it would swoop down into the
    > grasses below, and then return to its perch.?
    > All the while a family of Brown Pelicans cruised the lagoon
    > behind me,
    > diving and splashing in their attempts to catch fish.? The
    > Loggerhead finally left its perch, and I moved on.? As I
    > was leaving the area to return to my car, I again spotted
    > the Shrike perched in a tree, very close to Marina Blvd.,
    > and perhaps 200 yards from my first sighting.?
    > The Shrike paid me little mind as I approached within 20
    > ft.  
    > ??????????? I returned the next day to the same
    > area, and as I was watching the antics of a beautiful
    > American Kestrel, I again
    > saw the Logger-head Shrike.? Both the Kestrel and the
    > Shrike were perched atop a telephone line which runs the
    > length of the afore mentioned dirt road.? All three
    > sightings of the Loggerhead Shrike were made from this dirt
    > road. and within 200 yards of Marina Blvd. 
    > ??????????? Other birds sighted at this location
    > during this 2-day period include:?? 
    > House Finch 
    > Black Phoebe 
    > White-crowned
    > Sparrow  
    > Mourning Dove 
    > American Crow 
    > Red-tailed Hawk 
    > Great Blue Heron 
    > Double-crested Cormorant 
    > Canada Goose 
    > Western Grebe 
    > Forsters Tern 
    > Western Sandpiper 
    > Spotted Sandpiper 
    > Black Turnstone 
    > Whimbrel 
    > Willet 
    > Black-bellied Plover 
    > Marbled Godwit 
    > Lesser Yellowlegs  

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