[EBB Sightings] Coyote Hills Regional Park , 10/27/08

[EBB Sightings] Coyote Hills Regional Park , 10/27/08

Tue Oct 28 08:48:01 PDT 2008
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    Hi, all
    Ginny Marshall, Rob Cullison, Jef Fairclough, and I, Laurie Graham, went to
    Coyote Hills yesterday, and had a fabulous time. The weather was cool and
    hazy. Due to the combination of bay, marsh, trees, and hills, we had a high
    species count of 66, one of which we could not identify to our satisfaction.
    This was a pair of falconidae, flying and perching above Hoot Hollow. By the
    time we got the scope set up, they were gone. Their behavior reminded me of
    juvenile sibling Cooper's Hawks seen at Corona Heights in SF: practicing
    flight skills rather than harassing each other.
    The pelicans were seen feeding in the bay, then flying over into North Marsh
    to rest and preen. Northern Pintails flew out of the marsh in groups of 8 to
    30, heading west, but there were still plenty on the water. Northern
    Shovelers flew in from the south with a whirring noise that sounded like
    miniature Blue Angels.
    After lunch, we drove down to the Quarry Staging Area, where we had some
    really good birds, including a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and a flock of Cedar
    Waxwings. We walked out to Dairy Glen, where there was nothing happening.
    Ginny said "There should be eagles here." A minute later, she and Jeff were
    hollering "Golden Eagle, Golden Eagle!" and I was countering with
    "Red-tailed Hawk!". The controversy was solved when the Red-tail knocked the
    eagle to the ground. The eagle recovered and was harassed several more times
    by the hawk, before flying off south. An exciting finish to the day.
    Laurie Graham
    South San Francisco
    Location:     Coyote Hills Regional Park
    Observation date:     10/27/08
    8:10 am - 2:20 pm
    2.5 miles
    Number of species:     66
    Gadwall     7
    American Wigeon     8
    Mallard     43
    Northern Shoveler     750
    Northern Pintail     1100
    Green-winged Teal     86
    Canvasback     3
    Ruddy Duck     11
    Ring-necked Pheasant     1
    California Quail     1
    Western Grebe     1
    American White Pelican     175
    Great Blue Heron     1
    Great Egret     4
    Snowy Egret     6
    Turkey Vulture     4
    White-tailed Kite     3
    Northern Harrier     3
    Red-tailed Hawk     7
    Golden Eagle     1
    American Kestrel     1
    Merlin     1
    Peregrine Falcon     1
    American Coot     6
    Killdeer     4
    American Avocet     4
    Greater Yellowlegs     8
    Willet     2
    Least Sandpiper     12
    Long-billed Dowitcher     13
    California Gull     10
    Forster's Tern     50
    Anna's Hummingbird     2
    Nuttall's Woodpecker     1
    Downy Woodpecker     1
    Northern Flicker     1
    Black Phoebe     11
    Say's Phoebe     6
    Loggerhead Shrike     1
    Western Scrub-Jay     9
    Chestnut-backed Chickadee     2
    Bushtit     25
    Bewick's Wren     3
    Marsh Wren     1
    Ruby-crowned Kinglet     5
    Blue-gray Gnatcatcher     1
    Swainson's Thrush     1
    Hermit Thrush     1
    Wrentit     2
    Northern Mockingbird     1
    Cedar Waxwing     20
    Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's)     3
    Spotted Towhee     3
    California Towhee     5
    Savannah Sparrow     9
    Fox Sparrow     1
    Song Sparrow     4
    Lincoln's Sparrow     2
    White-crowned Sparrow     47
    Golden-crowned Sparrow     15
    Dark-eyed Junco     6
    Red-winged Blackbird     9
    Western Meadowlark     5
    House Finch     10
    American Goldfinch     1
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