[EBB Sightings] Warblers at Hayward Shoreline

[EBB Sightings] Warblers at Hayward Shoreline

Fri Oct 03 14:44:08 PDT 2008
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    Another good day for warblers at Hayward.  In the fennel behind the  trees 
    bordering the north side of the parking lot, the following warblers were  seen 
    today between 9:30 and 10:45 and again from 11:30 to 12 Noon.
    Yellow Warblers  --  Many
    Orange-crowned Warblers  --  Even more
    Wilson's Warblers  --  At least 2 in the middle section of  fennel
    Black-throated Gray Warbler  --  1 in the fennel just past the  toilets and 
    gate leading to the trail seen at about 10 a.m.     Either another or the same 
    one seen in the middle section of fennel just before  12 Noon.
    MacGillivray's Warbler  --  Seen about 11:45 a.m. in the middle  section of 
    Also a late posting:  Saw a Black and White Warbler at Lake Temescel  on 
    Tuesday, in the elderberry bushes at the Southeast corner of the Lake beyond  the 
    picnic areas off the Broadway Terrace Entrance to the  park. 
    Jim Roethe
    (925)  254-2190
    jimroethe at aol.com
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