[EBB Sightings] FW: Hayward Regional Shoreline, May 12 (Alameda County)

[EBB Sightings] FW: Hayward Regional Shoreline, May 12 (Alameda County)

Mike Feighner
Tue May 13 08:09:45 PDT 2008
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    -----Original Message-----
    From: peninsula-birding at yahoogroups.com
    [mailto:peninsula-birding at yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Laurie Graham
    Sent: Monday, May 12, 2008 6:58 PM
    To: peninsula-birding at yahoogroups.com
    Subject: [pen-bird] out of county - Hayward Regional Shoreline, May 12
    Dear [EBB Birders]
    Today Jeff & I went to Hayward Regional Shoreline with Norma Tannenbaum and
    Mel Meyers. The word for the day was WINDY.
    Fortunately, it was sunny, too. We started at West Winton. In a bush in the
    parking lot, we had a lovely Bushtit family. Seeing a Northern Harrier, we
    went up to the top of Mount Trashmore. There were multitudes of swallows in
    the air, resolving out at Barn and Cliff.  The harrier appeared and
    disappeared, and eventually became a male and female. Where do the males go
    when it's not spring? I remember old theories of birds going underground or
    some rubbish (well, it WAS a dump). 
    >From Mt. Trashmore, we scoped the Water Pollution Control Project lake, with
    its plethora of Red-necked Phalaropes. There were also Ruddy Duck, Canada
    Goose, Mallard, Northern Shoveler, Long-billed Dowitcher, and American
    Avocet. We tried hard to make some of the CAGOs into Cacklings, but they
    wouldn't cooperate. 
    Along the shore, the long lines of stones, we had egrets and a Great Blue
    Heron, Killdeer in the mudflat, gulls, and a few Forster's Terns.  There
    were Savannah Sparrows all along the walk, with their pretty yellow faces,
    and very short "that's not a Song Sparrow" songs.
    Frank's Dump had Red-necked Phalaropes, two Red Phalaropes, American
    Avocets, Willet, Dunlin, Black-necked Stilt, Marbled Godwit, Western
    We drove to the EEC and began to walk out to the shoreline to try for Least
    Terns. The wind was very strong, and made the trip unpleasant, butwatching
    the Cliff Swallows gathering mud and applying it to nests under the
    footbridge was worth the trip. A few more minutes to a glimpse of the Tern
    berm gained us scope-shaking heat-hazed views of Forster's Terns. We hadn't
    the energy to go on, so we re-terned to the car - yes, it's time once again
    to trot out the tern jokes.
    Laurie Graham & Jeff Fairclough
    Location:     Hayward Regional Shoreline, CA
    Observation date:     5/12/08
    8:45 am - 12:45 pm
    Number of species:     41
    Canada Goose     65
    Gadwall     6
    Mallard     66
    Northern Shoveler     4
    Greater Scaup     4
    Bufflehead     1
    Ruddy Duck     65
    Double-crested Cormorant     2
    Great Blue Heron     1
    Great Egret     3
    Snowy Egret     10
    Turkey Vulture     2
    Northern Harrier     2
    Black-bellied Plover     1
    Killdeer     4
    Black-necked Stilt     9
    American Avocet     40
    Willet     2
    Marbled Godwit     18
    Western Sandpiper     23
    Dunlin     17
    Long-billed Dowitcher     31
    Red-necked Phalarope     1780
    Red Phalarope     2
    Ring-billed Gull     8
    Western Gull     5
    Forster's Tern     41
    Mourning Dove     1
    Anna's Hummingbird     2
    American Crow     2
    Common Raven     3
    Cliff Swallow     200
    Barn Swallow     65
    Bushtit     8
    California Towhee     1
    Savannah Sparrow     18
    Song Sparrow     6
    Red-winged Blackbird     6
    Brewer's Blackbird     4
    House Finch     50
    American Goldfinch     2
    This report was generated automatically by eBird

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