[EBB Sightings] Mitchell Canyon , 5/5/08

[EBB Sightings] Mitchell Canyon , 5/5/08

Mon May 05 19:12:32 PDT 2008
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    Out of county report for Penbirds. Mitchell Canyon at north end of Mount
    Diablo State Park.
    We had a beautiful day at Mitchell Canyon. While it was chilly at the start,
    in the shade, with a light wind, the weather became perfect by 11 a.m., as
    jackets and fleeces started to come off. We hiked the Mitchell Canyon Trail
    to the Red Road, which we hiked to the summit. There is a spring near the
    top, with a few ancient oak trees, which was very birdy. On the way back
    down, the group split, with some taking the Globe Lily Trail, and some
    returning on Mitchell Canyon. We birded from 7:45 am to 2:10 pm.
    In addition to the list below, birds seen by some members of the group
    included White-tailed Kite, Rufous Hummingbird, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, and
    possible Calliope Hummingbird (our target bird).
    There was a juvenile Western Rattlesnake on the Globe Lily Trail. There were
    many butterflies, but only Variable Checkerspot and California Sister posed
    for ID.
    Location:     Mitchell Canyon
    Observation date:     5/5/08
    Notes:     Participants, Miss Otis Egrets: Richard Drechsler, Sonny Mencher,
    Ginny Marshall, Elisabeth Koster, Anne Kelley, Rob Cullison, Norma
    Tannenbaum, Mel Meyers, Laurie Graham & Jeff Fairclough
    Number of species:     51
    Wild Turkey     9
    California Quail     7
    Turkey Vulture     15
    Cooper's Hawk     1
    Red-tailed Hawk     6
    Mourning Dove     7
    White-throated Swift     1
    Anna's Hummingbird     15
    Allen's Hummingbird     3
    Acorn Woodpecker     8
    Nuttall's Woodpecker     4
    Hairy Woodpecker     2
    Olive-sided Flycatcher     4
    Pacific-slope Flycatcher     2
    Ash-throated Flycatcher     13
    Western Kingbird     11
    Cassin's Vireo     1     heard only
    Hutton's Vireo     4
    Warbling Vireo     5
    Steller's Jay     4
    Western Scrub-Jay     10
    Common Raven     1
    Tree Swallow     12
    Violet-green Swallow     8
    Chestnut-backed Chickadee     2
    Oak Titmouse     7
    Bushtit     1
    White-breasted Nuthatch     2
    Bewick's Wren     3
    House Wren     4
    Western Bluebird     5
    Swainson's Thrush     3
    Wrentit     9     7 heard only
    Northern Mockingbird     1
    European Starling     5
    Orange-crowned Warbler     6     showed orange crown!
    Townsend's Warbler     2
    Wilson's Warbler     8
    Western Tanager     3
    Spotted Towhee     7
    California Towhee     8
    Rufous-crowned Sparrow     1     heard only
    Lark Sparrow     2
    Dark-eyed Junco     24
    Black-headed Grosbeak     8
    Lazuli Bunting     12
    Red-winged Blackbird     9
    Bullock's Oriole     6
    House Finch     6
    Lesser Goldfinch     23
    American Goldfinch     3
    This report was generated automatically by eBird

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