[EBB Sightings] CBC - Winter Wren at Mission Nursery, Fremont

[EBB Sightings] CBC - Winter Wren at Mission Nursery, Fremont

Richard Cimino
Sat Feb 02 23:11:32 PST 2008
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    During the Hayward -Fremont CBC  Jeff Miller + a third person (Sharon?) 
    and I had been assigned the Mission Nursery.
    In  a different location of the nursery mid-way behind the Adobe 100 feet
    near the 5 gallon Japanese Maples we had what I called a Winter Wren.
    Also in that area we had Slate-colored and Pink-sided Junco.
    The Winter Wren siting was a few seconds and it darted off  never to be
    found again.
    We did some pishing but the bird was never found for a positive a 100% ID. 
    The bird was not reported as part of the CBC. But reading your e-mail and
    other e mails, I'm inclined to add to the thread.
    ABY participants: FYI during the CBC over the Mission Nursery we had a well
    document Vaux's Swift.
    I will not have time to go seek out the swift , but if other are making
    repeated visits, a wintering Vaux's Swift is a good bird to have.
    During CBC day the Vaux's was flying above the White-throated Swifts.
    I heard the Vaux's Swift B4 I saw the bird.
    Rich Cimino a.k.a. Raven
    > [Original Message]
    > From: JoeDevine 
    > To: 
    > Date: 2/2/2008 10:16:56 PM
    > Subject: [EBB Sightings] re: Winter Wren at Mission Nursery, Fremont
    > The question was asked where I saw the Winter Wren at
    > Mission Nursery on Alvarado Niles Blvd in Fremont.
    > Towards the back section (SE) there is a tall, broad
    > conifer (looks a little bluish-green to me) at the
    > back corner of some property of a residence/office in
    > the middle of the east portion of the nursery. I was
    > making my way towards that corner to bird along the
    > nursery row at the back of that property. It was at
    > that intersection I seemed to startle the Winter Wren.
    > It started doing its loud double pik as it made its
    > way thru flora right in front of me towards an
    > overgrown area to the right of that corner around a
    > sort of shed. I believe I caught it out in the open,
    > giving me very good & unusual looks of the bird not
    > buried in thicket.
    > Joe Devine
    > Modesto, Ca
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