[EBB Sightings] Hooded Mergansers at Aquatic Park

[EBB Sightings] Hooded Mergansers at Aquatic Park

John H Maurer
Sat Dec 15 15:56:44 PST 2007
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    Sorry about the delay; didn't get on line until this afternoon. On 
    Friday we saw both a female and a male Hooded Meganser at Aquatic Park 
    in Berkeley.
    You may all remember that a male-female pair came to Aquatic Park for 
    about five years in a row. Then last year, the 2006-2007 winter, the 
    male showed up alone, and just stayed for a few weeks. On Friday we 
    walked the main pond, the large pond, and saw a female on the path by 
    the water north of the new playground/washroom complex.
    Then we saw a male on the middle pond, on the southeast corner, just 
    where the pair used to hang out. I suspect this is the male that has 
    been there for the last six years, and the female showed up 
    independently on her own. It would be nice if they get together.
    Another major sighting on the same day: a long-tailed duck (Oldsquaw) on 
    the main pond at the southwest corner, near the boathouse for the 
    sculls. Unfortunately, he looked slightly oiled.
    Hooded Merganser
    Red Breasted Merganser
    Long Tailed Duck
    Common Goldeneye
    Greater Scaup
    Surf Scoter
    Ruddy Duck
    Eared Grebe
    Horned Grebe
    Western Grebe
    Double Crested Cormorant
    Pied Billed Grebe
    Great Blue Heron
    Snowy Egret
    Black Crowned Night Heron
    Green Heron
    Western Sandpiper
    Dowitcher (Couldn't tell if they were short or long billed)
    American Avocet
    Black Necked Stilt
    Foerster's Tern
    Turkey Vulture
    Red Tailed Hawk
    Gold Crowned Sparrow
    California Gull
    Western Gull
    California Towhee
    American Goldfinch

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