[EBB Sightings] Yellow-shafted Flicker ssp. at Tilden

[EBB Sightings] Yellow-shafted Flicker ssp. at Tilden

Ted Robertson
Sun Oct 28 17:55:43 PDT 2007
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    This morning at 9:30, I spotted a female Yellow-shafted subspecies of  
    the Northern Flicker about 100 yds. south of Jewel Lake in Tilden in  
    the largest willow tree west of the trail.  It was joined by two  
    other Red-shafted ssp. on the opposite side of the tree. After about  
    5 minutes, the Yellow-shafted Flicker ssp. flew south toward the  
    Nature Center and out of sight.  A Sharp-shinned Hawk landed on the  
    same willow one minute later. As I looped around the lake back to the  
    parking lot, I spotted 4 Townsend Warblers (along with Yellow-rumped)  
    along the Upper Pack Rat Trail in the coast live oaks.  Just as I was  
    leaving the trail, I spotted a Fox Sparrow.

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