[EBB Sightings] Sunol

[EBB Sightings] Sunol

Rusty Scalf
Sat May 05 17:43:11 PDT 2007
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Olive-sided flycatcher
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    The Albany Adult School bird ID class visited Sunol Regional Park this
    A single Lawrence's Goldfinch was seen near the bridge (the bridge near
    the visitor's center) and a half dozen others around the steel cattle
    Upslope from the cattle pen, a Grasshopper Sparrow sang.
    All three vireos were singing and we got fine views of Cassin's. 
    Just downstream from the visitor's center Orange-crowned Warblers fed a
    We had a fly-by male Wood Duck.
    A Golden Eagle soared overhead.
    I was surprised to see Tree Swallows occupying at least 2 of the
    bluebird boxes. I can't recall seeing Tree Swallows here before
    (Violet-greens were in good numbers and a pair of Rough-wings foraged
    over the creek).
    Migrants noted included Yellow Warbler, Olive-sided Flycatcher,
    Swainson's Thrush and W Tanager.
    Quite a few L Buntings were singing and jostling for position.
    Not a single YB Magpie.
      Rusty Scalf

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