[EBB Sightings] Olive-sided flycatcher

[EBB Sightings] Olive-sided flycatcher

Steve Huckabone
Sat May 05 16:12:13 PDT 2007
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    Birdered North Del Valle this AM for a few hours and had Olive-sided
    Flycatcher near the foot bridge that crosses the creek below the damn.
    Black-headed Grosbeaks, Ash-throated Flycatchers and Wilson's Warblers were
    common. Stopped to listen to FOS Warbling Vireo singing along the creek.
    Also my empty nest box told me that the first brood of Western Bluebirds
    fledged already, nest box two has 5 blue eggs, box three and four have
    nesting Tree Swallows.
    Started the morning at Murrieta Well's but dipped on the Yellow-breasted
    Chat found by Art Edwards last weekend. However I did manage a singing
    Yellow Warbler and very close look at Black-headed Grosbeak. Also heard only
    were Western Tanager, Bullocks Oriole and Western Kingbird. 
    Steve Huckabone
    Alameda County
    Livermore California

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