[EBB Sightings] Jewel Lake field trip

[EBB Sightings] Jewel Lake field trip

Phila Rogers
Sat Apr 07 12:28:58 PDT 2007
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    Dear Birding Friends:
    Yesterday 12 of us gathered at the parking lot for our
    regularly-scheduled, first-Friday-of-the-month field trip around Jewel
    Lake.  As I waited for others, I heard my first Black-headed Grosbeak
    of the season. The eucalyptus tree to the right of the Nature Area
    entrance harbored a group of Cedar Waxwings who are likely to be coming
    and going for the next couple of months. 
    Naturalist Bethany Facendini joined us -- always are real pleasure -- 
    until she had to leave to meet her first school group of the day.  As
    we began our walk around the west slope along the Packrat Trail she
    pointed out a new Hairy Woodpecker's nest hole.
    Bird activity on this cool, foggy morning was quieter than on sunny
    mornings, but the newly-arrived Wilson's Warbler was undeterred by the
    gloom -- singing repeatedly and with vigor.  Further along the trail we
    witnessed what might have been a territorial dispute with Wilson's
    Warblers in pursuit of one another while displaying their full
    repertoire of vocalizations. 
    Several Buffleheads remain on the lake along with the resident
    And though we didn't see it or hear its song, we heard the Winter Wren
    calling from the dense underbrush near the lake shore.  On the far
    side, one tree held several singing warblers -- both the Townsend's and
    the Yellow-rumped who will soon be leaving.  After listening to its
    song at several locations, we caught a brief glimpse of summer resident
    Orange-crowned Warbler.  (Viewing birds against a bright-gray sky is
    truly frustrating.)
    And in the distance, we heard a California Quail calling, offering hope
    that this much-beleagured bird may be nesting in the park.
    Here's the list of the birds we either saw or heard.
    Turkey Vulture
    California Quail
    Anna's Hummingbird
    Allen's Hummingbird
    Downy Woodpecker (nest hole only)
    Black Phoebe
    Steller's Jay
    Scrub Jay
    Common Raven
    Chestnut-backed Chickadee
    Winter Wren
    American Robin
    Cedar Waxwing
    Warbling Vireo
    Orange-crowned Warbler
    Yellow-rumped Warbler
    Wilson's Warbler
    Black-headed Grosbeak
    Spotted Towhee
    California Towhee
    Song Sparrow
    Dark-eyed Junco
    Purple Finch
    Note:  Alan Kaplan and a friend were birding down Wildcat Canyon at the
    same time.  The difference in the two lists reflect the riparian
    habitat of Jewel Lake compared to the more open, grassy environment
    found further down the canyon
    Phila Rogers
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