[EBB Sightings] Mixed flock

[EBB Sightings] Mixed flock

Sun Feb 25 19:43:47 PST 2007
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        Today, Sunday, Feb. 25, a mixed flock of about 40 birds flew into our yard. Our home is in the Oakland hills about 1/2 mile SW of Lake Temescal off Broadway Terrace. The flock included perhaps a dozen Western Bluebirds, at least 2 Bewick's Wrens, White-crown Sparrows, Yellow-rump Warblers and many Lesser Goldfinch. Though I have seen all of these species here before in the 20 years I have lived here, all are unusual. Only 4 or 5 times have I seen Bluebirds. The flock stayed about 30 minutes and flew off.
    Jimm Edgar
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