[EBB Sightings] Oakland Zoo Birding - 20 May 2006

[EBB Sightings] Oakland Zoo Birding - 20 May 2006

Sun May 21 13:01:01 PDT 2006
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    Greetings EBB'ers,
    Today I conducted one of the Zoo Membership birdwalks.  The results  are 
    Below is my list of Birds we found in the Oakland Zoo today.  It  includes 
    species noted on the day before (19 May '06) as well as the Wild  Turkeys today 
    (near the Gate Kiosk on the way in).
    These are listed  phylogenetically (most ancestral to recent).
    LOCATION:  Oakland  Zoo including periphery as observed from roads and 
    ALA  Co., Calif.
    DATE: 20 May 2006
    OBSERVER: Phil E. Gordon w/ Gail Ellis,  School Programs Mgr., & Zoo Members 
    TIME:  7:50 AM - 12 Noon
    1.   Turkey Vulture - 3+
    2.  Mallard - + Hen w/ 7 yng. (Giraffe moat)
    3.  Red-tailed Hawk - Attacked (briefly, no contact) by AmKe  (male)
    4.   American Kestrel - male; see RTHa (3.) above  
    5.   Wild Turkey - 10+/- ca. 7:45 AM (PEG; lawn near 98th  Ave. entrance)
    6.   Rock Pigeon - Dozens of residents
    7.  Band-tailed Pigeon - 7? in flyby flock (invasion year)
    8.  Anna's Hummingbird - 3+ males (incl. 1 sub-adult) (one made long  chase 
    Common  Raven fling high to East)
    9.   Nuttall's Woodpecker - male
    10.  Western Wood-Pewee - (PEG - Heard 19 May '06)
    11. Pacific-slope Flycatcher -  (PEG - Heard 19 May '06)
    12. Black Phoebe - 7+ (Incl. 3 fledgelings by "back"  barn + possible NEST)
    13. Western Scrub-Jay - 2
    14. Steller's Jay -  4+
    15. Common Raven - 1 (Note: 7 perched in tree near Main Entrance [by Sika  
    19  May '06; PEG) 
    16. Violet-green Swallow - 3+
    17. Barn Swallow - 5+/-  (Incl. NEST in back "Barn")
    18. Bushtit - 6+
    19. Bewick's Wren - H (Heard  only)
    20. American Robin - 8+/- (Incl. Fledgling)
    21. Wrentit - 2 H
    22.  Northern Mockingbird - 4+
    23. European Starling - 10+
    24. Cedar Waxwing -  (PEG - 20+/-; incl. bathing/drinking at lawn wet spot 
    Playland],  19 May '06) 
    25. Yellow-rumped ("Audubon's) Warbler - female (trapped in Bat  enclosure - 
    to be  
    given  freedom for migration)
    26. Wilson's Warbler - H (PEG - 19 May '06)
    27.  Spotted Towhee - 6+ (incl. 2 males in territorial challenge)
    28. California  Towhee - 8+/-
    29. Song Sparrow - 3+
    30. White-crowned Sparrow - 2 (Trapped  in cage - to be freed for migration)
    31. Dark-eyed ("Oregon") Junco - 6+  (Incl. female CF [carrying food])
    32. Brown-headed Cowbird - 5+ (Incl. pairs  & calls in flight; many more in 
    last 2 yrs.)
    33. Hooded Oriole -  male
    34. Purple Finch - male
    35. House Finch - 6+
    37. Lesser Goldfinch  - 4+ (Incl. female feeding on thistle seeds)
    38. American Goldfinch -  male
    39. House Sparrow - 3+ (In/Near animal cages)
    Respectfully  submitted and Happy Birding,
    Phil E. Gordon
    Hayward, ALA Co. 
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