[EBB Sightings] Final camp sightings

[EBB Sightings] Final camp sightings

Fri Aug 26 19:52:02 PDT 2005
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    Today was a great one for the end of summer camp, yet I wish school still 
    started in September so we could search for incoming birds for another week.   
    The hot air wafted in a nice wave of western migrants all around Vollmer Peak, 
    and we identified 38 of them, with one interesting vireo getting away.   The 
    highlights included an Acorn Woodpecker, at least two Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, 
    and two Western Tanagers, all firsts of the season for us.   Townsend's Warblers 
    continued to show up all over Tilden, in numbers we haven't seen before in 
    August (~ 20 this week and last), and several Hermits, which we usually find 
    from mid-July onward, were seen along the ridges.   Flycatchers, swallows, 
    grosbeaks, and a Lazuli Bunting added to the flurry.
    On Tuesday, we found a single Black Turnstone at the tip, and a 
    MacGillivray's Warbler in the interior of the Albany bulb.   Thursday was active at the 
    Berkeley Marina, with the continuing Pelagic Cormorant near the north breakwater, 
    two flyover N Harriers, a Wandering Tattler flying around the Hornblower 
    ships, an Elegant Tern hanging out with Forster's over a cormorant feeding frenzy, 
    and several Yellow Warblers in the trees at Cesar Chavez Park.
    Brian Fitch & crew
    Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
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    eva" FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" SIZE=3D"2">Today was a great one for the end of su=
    mmer camp, yet I wish school still started in September so we could search f=
    or incoming birds for another week.   The hot air wafted in a nice wave=
     of western migrants all around Vollmer Peak, and we identified 38 of them,=20=
    with one interesting vireo getting away.   The highlights included an A=
    corn Woodpecker, at least two Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, and two Western Tanage=
    rs, all firsts of the season for us.   Townsend's Warblers continued to=
     show up all over Tilden, in numbers we haven't seen before in August (~ 20=20=
    this week and last), and several Hermits, which we usually find from mid-Jul=
    y onward, were seen along the ridges.   Flycatchers, swallows, grosbeak=
    s, and a Lazuli Bunting added to the flurry.
    On Tuesday, we found a single Black Turnstone at the tip, and a MacGillivray= 's Warbler in the interior of the Albany bulb.  Thursday was active at= the Berkeley Marina, with the continuing Pelagic Cormorant near the north b= reakwater, two flyover N Harriers, a Wandering Tattler flying around the Hor= nblower ships, an Elegant Tern hanging out with Forster's over a cormorant f= eeding frenzy, and several Yellow Warblers in the trees at Cesar Chavez Park= .
    Brian Fitch & crew --part1_200.8b449d7.30412ea3_boundary--

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