[EBB Sightings] a rare day in june

[EBB Sightings] a rare day in june

Brian Zeiler
Mon Jun 13 16:27:03 PDT 2005
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    I too was surprised at all the long-billed curlews
    along the Hayward shoreline this weekend, my first
    time at that spot - I probably saw at least two dozen
    in several small groups.  Lots of avocets too.  Didn't
    see any stilts for some reason.  The apparently very
    low tide on Sunday morning surely helped invite the
    curlews and avocets to forage close to land.  This
    little guy made quite a spectacle when he plucked a
    small crab out of a shallow tidepool in the mudflats.
    --- Phila Rogers  wrote:
    > Dear Friends:
    > Black-bellied plovers, marbled godwits, dowitchers,
    > willets, curlews, canvasback duck, scaups, cinnamon
    > teal, gadwalls -- a nice sampling of winter birds at
    > Hayward Shores?  No, a fine day in June with a light
    > breeze, in the mid-70s.  Emilie Strauss, my
    > companion for the morning, noted that we were seeing
    > more curlew (four?) than one often sees in the
    > winter.
    > We didn't see the grackle taking swallow chicks as
    > Terry Coddington reported, or any grackles at all. 
    > Emilie noted that because the weeds have taken over
    > the islands previously used by terns for breeding,
    > our tern sightings were restricted to one distant
    > least tern and a few Forster flybys.
    > For someone like me who thinks of Bay marshes and
    > mudflats as being mostly deserted this time of the
    > year, it was a heartening experience.  Add in mild
    > weather, good visibility, and the broad exhilarating
    > stretches of a south bay tideland and one couldn't
    > have hoped for a pleasanter morning.
    > Phila Rogers
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