[EBB Sightings] Sage Sparrow/Least Terns

[EBB Sightings] Sage Sparrow/Least Terns

Denise Wight
Tue Jun 14 09:44:04 PDT 2005
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    Hi East Bay Birders,
    This past Saturday morning, I hike part way up Black Point Trail from White Canyon on the northwest side of Mount Diablo.  As I stood quietly on the trail, a pair of Bell's SAGE SPARROWS approached me through the bushes at eye level (no pishing needed, they just came to where I happened to be standing). Both birds repeatedly flicked their tails as they hopped among the branches, not giving any call notes. The male moved out of sight and began singing, while the other bird silently came within 5 feet of me (a female, I'm guessing - they're sexually monomorphic so I couldn't be sure). We checked each other out for about 2 minutes, then she dropped to the ground, out of sight, and I continued up the trail through the chamise. I saw 3 and heard 4 additional Sage Sparrows.  Although Sage Sparrows are regular breeders here, I don't get to observe them like this too often.  (Note: The grass is high at the beginning of the Black Point Trail, making the ticks that one picks up seem worse than
    I had hoped to see, or at least hear, Black-chinned Sparrow, as I have here in the past, but had no luck.  Has anyone else been hearing or seeing Black-chinned Sparrow on Mount Diablo lately?  
    Mitchell Canyon was warm, rather quiet, but still productive.  LAZULI BUNTING and CASSIN'S VIREO were still singing near the intersection of White Canyon and Mitchell Canyon trails where we had seen them in April.  
    Also, a note about LEAST TERNS.  I saw 7 fly over Point Emery parking lot in Emeryville this morning. For the past week, each time I go out to the Emeryville Shoreline or Marina prior to work or at lunch, I have seen a few, usually hearing them first.
    All the Best Birding,
    Denise Wight,
    Moraga, CA
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     the trail through the chamise. I saw 3 and heard 4 additional Sage Sparrows.  Although Sage Sparrows are regular breeders here, I don't get to observe them like this too often.  (Note: The grass is high at the beginning of the Black Point Trail, making the ticks that one picks up seem worse than usual.)  


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