[EBB Sightings] a rare day in june

[EBB Sightings] a rare day in june

Phila Rogers
Mon Jun 13 15:54:04 PDT 2005
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    Dear Friends:
    Black-bellied plovers, marbled godwits, dowitchers, willets, curlews, =
    canvasback duck, scaups, cinnamon teal, gadwalls -- a nice sampling of =
    winter birds at Hayward Shores?  No, a fine day in June with a light =
    breeze, in the mid-70s.  Emilie Strauss, my companion for the morning, =
    noted that we were seeing more curlew (four?) than one often sees in the =
    We didn't see the grackle taking swallow chicks as Terry Coddington =
    reported, or any grackles at all.  Emilie noted that because the weeds =
    have taken over the islands previously used by terns for breeding, our =
    tern sightings were restricted to one distant least tern and a few =
    Forster flybys.
    For someone like me who thinks of Bay marshes and mudflats as being =
    mostly deserted this time of the year, it was a heartening experience.  =
    Add in mild weather, good visibility, and the broad exhilarating =
    stretches of a south bay tideland and one couldn't have hoped for a =
    pleasanter morning.
    Phila Rogers
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    canvasback duck, scaups, cinnamon teal, gadwalls -- a nice sampling of =
    birds at Hayward Shores?  No, a fine day in June with a light =
    in the mid-70s.  Emilie Strauss, my companion for the morning, =
    that we were seeing more curlew (four?) than one often sees in=20
    the winter.
    reported, or any grackles at all.  Emilie noted that because the =
    weeds have=20
    taken over the islands previously used by terns for breeding, our tern =
    were restricted to one distant least tern and a few Forster =
    mostly deserted this time of the year, it was a heartening=20
    experience.  Add in mild weather, good visibility, and the =
    exhilarating stretches of a south bay tideland and one couldn't have =
    hoped for a=20
    pleasanter morning.

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