[EBB Sightings] Wood ducks & Olive-sided Flycatcher at Shadow Cliffs (Pleasanton)

[EBB Sightings] Wood ducks & Olive-sided Flycatcher at Shadow Cliffs (Pleasanton)

Akira So
Sat May 21 19:14:01 PDT 2005
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    Hi everyone,
    This morning in Shadow Cliffs Regional Recreation Area (near 
    Pleasanton), I saw a female WOOD DUCK and her 11 chicks swimming 
    together. This is my first sighting of WOOD DUCKS at Shadow Cliffs this 
    year, although I understand that they may be year-round residents there.
    (The ducks were found in the "Arroyo Del Valle" creek, specifically in 
    the western end of the park as it appears on the official park map; it 
    is adjacent to the area currently being bulldozed. On the map, at 0.14 
    miles from the western end of park on Levee Trail, there is a 
    Y-junction. At that location you will find a brown sign post in the 
    middle of trail showing "Park Curfew 10 to 5, No Motor Vehicles" etc. 
    The ducks were seen in the water nearest to it, where the creek is very 
    Also, about 0.1 miles further east on Levee Trail was an OLIVE-SIDED
    FLYCATCHER flycatching at the top of dead trees along the north side of 
    I specifically looked for Common Loons on the main lake ("Shadow Cliffs 
    Lake") as well, because I saw one at my last visit on 4/24. I did not 
    see them today. I mention this in case anyone was keeping a record.
    Good birding,
    Pleasanton, CA (Alameda County)
    Today's snap shots here:

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