[EBB Sightings] Sunol Regional Park GGAS trip - correctioin

[EBB Sightings] Sunol Regional Park GGAS trip - correctioin

Bruce Mast
Sun May 22 05:58:00 PDT 2005
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    The hawk nests we saw were both RED-SHOULDERED HAWKS. Two fledglings at the
    nest by the footbridge are flying but still sticking close to the nest. The
    second nest is a couple hundred yards upstream in another Sycamore. We only
    saw adults going to and from it.
    Bruce Mast
    Oakland, CA
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Brian Zeiler [mailto:deriv1 at yahoo.com] 
    Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2005 8:42 PM
    To: Bruce Mast
    Subject: Re: [EBB Sightings] Sunol Regional Park GGAS trip
    Thanks for the note - how was the action at the
    red-shouldered hawk nest at the footbridge?
    --- Bruce Mast  wrote:
    > About 15 birders joined me this morning for a Golden
    > Gate Audubon Society
    > birdwalk in Sunol Regional Park to Little Yosemite.
    > In addition to the
    > beautiful weather, trip highlights includes a couple
    > RED-TAILED HAWK nests,
    > including 1 with 2 fledglings; a BULLOCK'S ORIOLE
    > nest with parents
    > delivering food and hauling away fecal sacks; 2
    > WARBLING VIREOS building a
    > nest in an Alder tree; a soaring GOLDEN EAGLE; a
    > flyby MERGANSER sp.; and a
    > flock of BAND-TAILED PIGEONS. 
    > Perhaps the biggest surprise of the day is that we
    > did not see nor hear a
    > single YELLOW-BILLED MAGPIE. Does anyone know why
    > they've abandoned this
    > area? Anything to do with the crows?
    > Here's the complete list.
    > Mallard
    > Merganser sp.
    > Turkey Vulture
    > White-tailed Kite
    > Cooper's Hawk
    > Red-shouldered Hawk
    > Red-tailed Hawk
    > Golden Eagle
    > Wild Turkey
    > California Quail
    > Band-tailed Pigeon
    > Mourning Dove
    > White-throated Swift
    > Anna's Hummingbird
    > Allen's Hummingbird
    > Acorn Woodpecker
    > Nuttall's Woodpecker
    > Northern Flicker
    > Black Phoebe
    > Ash-throated Flycatcher
    > Violet-green Swallow
    > Northern Rough-winged Swallow
    > Bewick's Wren
    > House Wren
    > Western Bluebird
    > Swainson's Thrush
    > American Robin
    > Wrentit - heard only
    > Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
    > Bushtit
    > Chestnut-backed Chickadee
    > Oak Titmouse
    > White-breasted Nuthatch
    > Steller's Jay
    > Western Scrub-Jay
    > American Crow
    > European Starling
    > Cassin's Vireo - heard only
    > Hutton's Vireo
    > Warbling Vireo
    > Orange-crowned Warbler
    > Spotted Towhee
    > California Towhee
    > Song Sparrow
    > Dark-eyed Junco
    > Black-headed Grosbeak
    > Bullock's Oriole
    > House Finch
    > Lesser Goldfinch
    > Bruce Mast
    > Oakland, CA
    > 510-435-1371
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