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Re: Snow Bunting at Clifton Court Forebay
Mon, 1 Mar 2004 10:00:11 PST
From: Bob Richmond

Early this morning, at around 7:35, the Snow Bunting was seen at Clifton Court Forebay near Byron. I saw it from one of the two leevees that go east from the end of Clifton Court Rd. I was on the one closest to the forebay. The bunting was mostly seen on the other, about 5 telephone poles from the end of Clifton Court Rd. It was near the two dead American White Pelicans. It would not let me get close to it, unlike the San Leandro Marina bird.

Good Birding

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Re: Snow Bunting at Clifton Court Forebay
Mon, 1 Mar 2004 13:29:45 -0800
From: Frances Oliver

Today, the Lodi Ladies ventured over to Clifton Court Forebay to check for the Snow Bunting. We arrived around 10 AM, parked the car, put on all our rain gear, and started walking toward the levee. Another birder from Pleasanton had already checked out the area and was waving us over. The bird was between the levees on a little cross-over road. Didn't even need the scope!! Truly a beautiful bird that was a lifer for us all. And best of all, it was extremely cooperative, staying within view for the next 5 to 10 minutes. The bunting then flew over next to the Forebay, then back to area where the 2 dead pelicans remain. As the rain starting falling even harder, we decided we had enough.

On the way home we stopped at the intersection of Bixler Rd & Point of Timber Rd (north of Discovery Bay) to check out the 2 Burrowing Owls (Thanks JR!)

Bonnie, Jan, Joanne, and Frances
Lodi, CA

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Arrowhead Marsh (Oakland) & Castle Rock (Walnut Creek)
Tue, 2 Mar 2004 10:41:40 -0800
From: Ted Robertson

On Saturday February 28th, from 7:30 to 9:30 AM, I was at Arrowhead Marsh in Martin Luther King Jr Regional Shoreline, Oakland. No Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow during the morning high tide, but there was a Cooper's Hawk perched on the dock overlooking the location where the sparrow was last seen about a week ago. The Clapper Rails were very active, I spotted 3 and heard 4 others.

On Sunday, February 29th, I went looking for the Peregrine Falcon at Castle Rocks in Diablo Foothills Regional Park, Walnut Creek. I was rewarded with a view of a pair of mating Peregrine Falcons. Last year's nest seems larger this year. Very likely that they will be nesting again at this location.

Ted Robertson
Coordinator of Learning Environment and Development (LEAD)
Lawrence Hall of Science
University of California, Berkeley, CA

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Wood Ducks and Western Bluebirds in Moraga
Tue, 02 Mar 2004 12:33:14 -0800
From: Judi Sierra

I went this morning to look at the Wood Ducks at Valle Vista Staging Area for Upper San Leandro Reservoir near Moraga and found 2 pairs. There were also some swallows I was unable to identify. Returning to the parking lot (Valle Vista Staging Area) I was treated to a very long close look of a flock of 7 or 8 Western Bluebirds intently foraging on the ground in the parking lot. They were only momentarily distracted by cars before they returned to the ground again.

Judi Sierra - Oakland

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Tilden Regional Park Nature Area, Berkeley Hills
Tue, 2 Mar 2004 16:09:14 -0800
From: Patrick King

A Winter Wren sang this afternoon in the Tilden Nature Area (Berkeley Hills). It was downstream from the tiny brook which is channeled under the main path, 50 feet before the entrance to the boardwalk. It sang only once, despite my reasonable pleas for a continuation. Allen's Hummingbirds were displaying wonderfully.

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A Surf Scoter that doesn't like the water
Wed, 3 Mar 2004 12:18:09 -0800 (PST)
From: Peter Diegutis

Good Afternoon

Birding the Emeryville Peninsula may not produce hundreds of species but it can be a pleasant stroll. Over the last 2 or 3 days I've noticed something unusual. I may have found a Surf Scoter that doesn't like the water. I first found him on Sunday morning, well out of the water, snoozing in the sand of our little beach (it's not much, but it's all we've got). This morning, with a high-ish tide, he was standing, preening himself on the stairs below a little observation deck. He seemed genuinely undesirous of getting wet. This is, I imagine, unfortunate if you happen to be born a scoter.

Have a nice day.

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Re: Snow Bunting at Clifton Court Forebay
Wed, 03 Mar 2004 17:36:26 -0800
From: Joseph Morlan

East Bay Birders:

The Snow Bunting was very cooperative at Clifton Court Forebay near Byron this morning. Photos and other details are at:

After enjoying the bunting, we headed up to the northeast part of the county. A flock of five Cattle Egrets flew over Byron Hwy near Knightsen and six Burrowing Owls were paired up by nest holes along the north side of Delta Road. A photo of one of the Burrowing Owls and a full-sized Snow Bunting image will be posted at
after 6 PM.

The flooded fields along Holland Tract still held decent numbers of Snow Geese and Greater White-fronted Geese and a number of Sandhill Cranes. Robbie Fischer spotted a Yellow-billed Magpie along Delta Rd and another Cattle Egret along Cypress Rd south of Jersey Island.

On the way home we stopped at Black Diamond Mines Preserve south of Antioch where we found several Rock Wrens and two Phainopeplas.

Joseph Morlan, Pacifica, CA

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Re: Snow Bunting at Clifton Court Forebay
Wed, 03 Mar 2004 21:46:59 -0800
From: Larry Tunstall

I am forwarding this message to the list for Bob Hall:

Date: Wed, 03 Mar 2004 21:10:01 -0800
Subject: Snow Bunting update

Just want to let everyone know that the Snow Bunting is still present and was sighted by 9 individuals at around 1:30 PM, March 3rd. It was near the parking area on the right hand side of the paved levee associating closely with a pipit.

Bob Hall
San Francisco

Posted to EBB by Larry Tunstall

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