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Vaux's Swifts in Livermore
Wed, 23 Apr 2003 07:59:23 -0700
From: Steve Huckabone

Sunday April 20 around 7:35 PM I had approximately 12 Vaux's Swifts fly over my house heading east. The birds were not feeding so they flew by, not providing any chance to view them in detail. Sorry for the late post.

Steve Huckabone
Alameda County
Livermore California

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Red-shouldered Hawks nesting in Hayward?
Wed, 23 Apr 2003 09:05:04 -0700
From: Frano

I had the pleasure Easter Sunday of watching a pair of Red-shouldered Hawks all afternoon from my in-laws' deck on D St in Hayward. My niece, who graduates from UC Davis in a few weeks with a degree in Micro-Biology, agreed with me that they acted as if they were nesting in a nearby tree. They were in a small eucalyptus grove at the top of D St, just off the road, where D is met by Glenbrook. If anyone has any more information I would be very interested.


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Garin Regional Park, Hayward
Wed, 23 Apr 2003 13:43:36 -0700
From: Debbie Wong and Tadd Ottman

Hi all,

It was birdy this morning in Garin Park Regional Park, Hayward. We have not visited the park lately, so we don't know when was the first arrival time for some of the birds.

A Pacific-slope Flycatcher was active near the barn / bathroom area. A pair of Red-tailed Hawks were soaring above and had their legs dangling in a courtship display. A pair of Western Bluebirds were found in the big lawn area. Later up near the apple orchard, we saw one male with a green grub as he went inside a red-colored bird box with a female perched nearby.

The picnic area near Jordan Pond had some very nice birds. A good looking male Black-headed Grosbeak was singing continuously and was not shy when approached. We were surprised to see a male Yellow Warbler with bright chestnut breast streaks. We concluded there were two Yellow Warblers there by song but only saw one. Other goodies were three Bullock's Orioles, 2 males and 1 female. They were active in the back of the picnic area and also in the tall trees out in front of the pond. We had a brief look of a Selasphorus hummingbird, but couldn't determine what kind.

Other birds saw were one Hutton's Vireo, many good looking Golden-crowned Sparrows, 2 Lesser Goldfinches, many Red-winged Blackbirds, Barn Swallows, American Kestrel, and 2 Tree Swallows (near the apple orchard).

The misses were the Red-breasted Sapsuckers and the Loggerhead Shrike which we have seen regularly in the park.

Debbie and Tadd

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Red-shouldered Hawks nesting in eucalyptus
Wed, 23 Apr 2003 16:25:37 -0700
From: Kay Loughman

In the recently completed Contra Costa County Breeding Bird Atlas project, many Red-shouldered Hawks were confirmed breeding in eucalyptus trees. It's likely the Alameda County BBA found similar use of habitat, and someone in that project might even have seen your particular birds. If you go back with binoculars, a little time, and no family obligations, you can probably find the nest. Good luck.

Kay Loughman

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Red-shouldered Hawks nesting in Oakland Hills
Wed, 23 Apr 2003 17:32:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: John Harris

A few years ago, Red-shouldered Hawks nested in a grove of eucalyptus on the Mills College campus. This continued for at least three years. I am not sure if there was nesting on campus the last two years though. In the valley of Hwy 13 (and the Hayward Fault), there have been nesting Red-shouldered Hawks for the last several years in the area between Park Blvd and Lincoln Ave. I have never located a nest, but candidate large trees include some big Monterey pines as well as eucalyptus and coast redwood. Perhaps someone on the list knows this neighborhood and has found a nest?

John H. Harris
Biology Department
Mills College
Oakland, CA

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Re: Red-shouldered Hawks nesting in Oakland Hills
Thu, 24 Apr 2003 11:30:12 -0700
From: Nick Newton

I live just off Mountain Blvd / Hwy 13, near Leona Lodge, northeast of the Mills College campus, and I have seen and heard Red-shouldered Hawks ever since we moved here, over 3 years ago. I haven't found a nest, but feel sure it must be close by - last year I heard them calling almost every day during Spring. This year so far, activity seems less, but it still may be a little early.

Nick Newton

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Large Cedar Waxwing flock in Oakland
Thu, 24 Apr 2003 19:47:31 PDT
From: Sylvia Sykora

This afternoon I spotted a large flock of 50 or so Cedar Waxwings as they alighted on the utility wires along Shafter Ave near Broadway, just east of the Rockridge BART Station in Oakland. I've seen smaller flocks regularly during the past several weeks flying over the BART station but this is the largest congregation yet.

I forgot to report last week that I had - briefly - a Black-throated Gray Warbler on April 15 at my bird bath. This was a first yard sighting for me here in 15 years but I see that others in the Oakland Hills have this bird on their lists, as well.

And two weeks ago what was certainly an unfledged Allen's Hummingbird was among the fallen camellia blooms I was sweeping on my front walk. I nearly stepped on it. The bird was barely alive and must have fallen from a nest. The walk is beneath a deodar cedar (an unlikely spot for a nest?) with many very old and tall camellia bushes nearby. I couldn't locate the nest, and the bird died soon thereafter.

Sylvia Sykora
Near Castle and Skyline
Oakland, Alameda County

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Even larger Cedar Waxwing flock in Richmond
Thu, 24 Apr 2003 20:50:34 -0700
From: Lisa Owens-Viani

I saw a flock of approximately 100 Cedar Waxwings in south Richmond this morning.

Lisa Owens-Viani

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Another very large Cedar Waxwing flock in Martinez
Thu, 24 Apr 2003 21:28:47 -0700
From: Beth Lucas

I accidentally scared a flock of 100 Cedar Waxwings from the tree yesterday morning on Lower Pine St in Martinez as I was coming out of the house and the door slammed.

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