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Cedar Waxwings and Black-throated Gray Warbler
Mon, 28 Apr 2003 10:56:30 -0700
From: Tarra Lyons

I too have seen a flock of a least 50 or more Cedar Waxwings somewhat near Shafter Ave and Broadway in Oakland - I live closer to College and Claremont Aves. Beautiful and glorious!

Also, about the Black-throated Gray Warbler - I am almost certain that I saw one as well, about two weeks ago in my back yard making little loops under the oak tree. I had never seen one before and couldn't identify it until I read your e-mail and then went to my Sibley book - thanks for the clarification!


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Olive-sided Flycatcher in Orinda on April 23
Mon, 28 Apr 2003 11:08:02 -0700
From: Roger Hartwell

I saw an Olive-sided Flycatcher in a cypress snag in Siesta Valley uphill of the Shakespeare Festival Theatre on April 23 at 09:31. I had a clear sighting for about a minute. The bird vocalized several characteristic call notes but did not sing.

This may be of interest for arrival time. The area is not accessible to the public.

Roger Hartwell
East Bay Fisheries and Wildlife

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Calliope Hummingbird in Oakland Hills yard
Mon, 28 Apr 2003 12:02:40 -0700
From: Larry Tunstall

I am forwarding this message to the list for Mark Rauzon:

Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 13:32:13 EDT

A male Calliope Hummingbird has been in my yard in the lower Oakland Hills this morning gnatcatching and chasing jays. I noted its back is a shade lighter green than Anna's Hummingbird, the rosy gorget is streaked, and a white mustache appears above the gorget, all helpful distinguishing features on a moving bird. New Yard Bird!

mark rauzon
off Park Blvd

Posted to EBB by Larry Tunstall

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Red Knots and Red Phalarope at Hayward Shoreline
Tue, 29 Apr 2003 18:17:47 -0700
From: Bob Battagin

Hi EBBers

At today's mid-day high tide (approximately 1 PM) at the area commonly known as Frank's Dump along the Hayward Regional Shoreline (directions below) I observed hundreds of Red Knots resting on the small islands near the middle of the large pond. Many were in breeding or near-breeding plumage. These long, narrows islands served as resting areas for many shorebird species. As I walked along the levee on the northern border of this pond I observed several Black-necked Stilt nests with eggs visible and the parents in attendance. At the northwest corner of the pond a near breeding plumage female Red Phalarope fed by herself.

Frank's Dump directions: To reach Frank's Dump - from the end of W Winton Ave in Hayward take the trail out to the bay. At the Bay Trail walk north to the first pond north of the radio towers.

Good birding,
Bob Battagin

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Garin Regional Park, Hayward
Tue, 29 Apr 2003 21:39:19 -0700
From: Debbie Wong & Tadd Ottman

Hi All,

We had a quick bird walk in Garin Regional Park (Hayward) this morning; part of the time in heavy rain!

The new bird that we observed was a Warbling Vireo. We saw one singing Warbling Vireo on the way to Jordan Pond and one quiet one in the picnic area next to the pond. It could have been the same bird. We saw two Black-headed Grosbeaks; one male and one female. Last week we only saw the male. The male grosbeak was singing his heart out while the female was quiet. The Bullock's Orioles and Yellow Warbler were still there.

We did not see the Western/Pacific Flycatcher.

In the Anna's Hummingbird's nest (which we first noticed in November) outside the park entrance, there were 2 eggs today. There was only one egg last week, and we didn't see the female that day (we passed by/checked the nest twice). We thought the nest may have been abandoned. Today, Mom flew out when we walked by the nest. Considering the time of the year, this most likely is the 2nd clutch. We didn't visit Garin often enough earlier this year to know if there were any hatchlings earlier this year. On our way out, we stayed very far from the nest and saw Mom sitting on the nest. (The nest is above the sidewalk; one has to step out into the traffic to avoid disturbing the bird.)

Debbie Wong and Tadd Ottman

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Mitchell Canyon, near Clayton
Wed, 30 Apr 2003 21:03:38 -0700
From: Larry Tunstall

I am forwarding this message to the list for Mark Rauzon:

Wed, 30 Apr 2003 20:54:42 PDT

A beautiful day at Mitchell Canyon (in Mt Diablo State Park, south end of Mitchell Canyon Rd from Clayton), spent 11 AM to 4 PM mostly up on Red Road. Had to work for birds, it has been a slow migration, but saw 53 species. Highlights include:

Posted to EBB by Larry Tunstall

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