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Re: East Contra Costa Christmas Bird Count
Mon, 23 Dec 2002 09:17:11 -0800
From: Rich Cimino

Two years ago about this month, Dave Bowden of Pleasanton had a Brown Pelican at Shadow Cliff Regional Recreation Area in Pleasanton.

Rich Cimino

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Snowy Egret in Tilden Regional Park
Tue, 24 Dec 2002 11:31:50 -0800
From: John Poole

I saw a Snowy Egret at Lake Anza in Tilden Regional Park (Berkeley Hills) this morning. This is an uncommon bird for Tilden Park.

Happy Holidays!
John Poole

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Snow Geese in Oakland
Tue, 24 Dec 2002 17:25:51 -0800
From: Courtenay Peddle

Hello folks,

Tuesday morning three Snow Geese joined the nine Greater White-fronted Geese and countless Canada Geese in the meadow adjacent to the boardwalk at Arrowhead Marsh, Martin Luther King Jr Regional Shoreline in Oakland.

Among the Canada Geese are several "Lessers."

Merry Christmas and good birding!
Courtenay Peddle

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Hayward Regional Shoreline
Wed, 25 Dec 2002 22:55:30 PST
From: Bob Richmond

Some Christmas birding at the Hayward Regional Shoreline produced the following -


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Swifts over Oakland
Thu, 26 Dec 2002 12:41:39 PST
From: Brian Fitch

Yesterday, on the way to Concord for Christmas dinner, I saw about 25 presumably White-throated Swifts soaring over the interchange of Hwys 580 & 24 in Oakland. The sky was too gray and I was moving too fast to get a perfect identification and count, but from shape and time of year, that's likely who they were, having their own feast.

Brian Fitch

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Loggerhead Shrike at Martinez Regional Shoreline
Fri, 27 Dec 2002 09:10:38 -0800
From: Susan Sharman


I walk the Martinez waterfront daily and recently have seen what I think is a Loggerhead Shrike. I have seen it in the bushes around the pond for the past several weeks, catching large insects. I am a newbie at this but I think I have identified it correctly. Anyone else bird watch in Martinez?

Yesterday I also saw one Common Goldeneye in the pond along with a small flock of Ruddy Ducks and one Double-crested Cormorant.

There is a huge flock of Canvasbacks and I think Redheads and scaups(?) wintering here along the Martinez shore.

There is also a White-tailed Kite that comes and goes. I see it out over the new marsh/meadow areas.

Cheers -
Susan Sharman

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Cedar Waxwings
Fri, 27 Dec 2002 17:46:20 -0800
From: Patricia Hatch

Today, I saw a dozen Cedar Waxwings in a tree in my backyard.

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Re: Cedar Waxwings
Fri, 27 Dec 2002 20:02:37 -0800
From: Sarah Lewis

Patricia Hatch wrote:

Today, I saw a dozen Cedar Waxwings in a tree in my backyard.

I saw the same a couple of weeks ago in my yard ... all sitting in a persimmon tree! A big leafless tree full of bright orange fruit and Cedar Waxwings. Nice sighting for the holidays.


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Varied Thrush, swifts, & Ferruginous Hawk in San Ramon
Sat, 28 Dec 2002 12:11:03 -0800
From: Dennis & Patricia Braddy


Skip and I added two new species to our dog-and-bird-walk list this morning. We had a Varied Thrush at the corner of Norris Canyon Rd & Bollinger Canyon Rd. As we reached the more southern intersection of Toltec Cir with Marsh Dr, several White-throated Swifts flew over. We would appreciate hearing from anyone who has information regarding the local suburban abundance of these two species.

A combination of bad weather and bad timing did not permit a dog-and-bird-walk after work yesterday, so Pat and I did an indoor birdathon. (We were indoors; the birds were outdoors.) In a little over an hour we had 20 species. The best bird was a Ferruginous Hawk that landed in the top of a pine tree across the street. Downy and Nuttall's Woodpeckers came to our suet feeders. Other birds included White-tailed Kite, Northern Flicker, Cedar Waxwing, Yellow-rumped Warbler (unusual in our yard), and Hermit Thrush (very unusual in our yard).

Dennis and Patricia Braddy and Skip
San Ramon

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Re: swifts in San Ramon, plus birding from Livermore
Sat, 28 Dec 2002 14:20:37 -0800
From: Steve Huckabone

White-throated Swifts can be found under the Hwy 580 freeway overpasses at both Airway and North Livermore. I also frequently see them around my neighborhood on the east side of Livermore. On the other hand I've never seen a Varied Thrush in my neighborhood. Lately the best yard bird I've had is a Lincoln's Sparrow. A Merlin visited the sky over my yard this morning scaring the daylights out of the yard birds.

On December 26 we did Santa Fe Grade, Merced National Wildlife Refuge and San Luis NWR and vicinity. We recorded 90 species and surely missed a few. At San Luis Great-horned Owls where plentiful. The best birds of the day were a Long-eared Owl and Winter Wren both seen at San Luis NWR. We located two groups of Yellow-headed Blackbirds on the Santa Fe Grade. At Merced NWR in the hundreds of Snow Geese we found two dark morph geese or "blue geese." Overall a great day birding in this wonderful winter season.

Good birding,
Steve Huckabone
Alameda County
Livermore California

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Re: Cedar Waxwings
Sat, 28 Dec 2002 17:02:13 -0800
From: Sarah Lewis

Forgetting my email etiquette! I saw those Cedar Waxwings yesterday in Danville, off Blackhawk Rd. They were back again this afternoon (in the same tree) and my daughter finally got to see them. I invariable see Cedar Waxwings when she's at school!

Yesterday the American Robins were going after the persimmons - and the day before, it was the squirrels. They seem to be taking turns.


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Swifts, eagles, Snow Geese, Pine Siskins
Sat, 28 Dec 2002 17:06:07 -0800
From: Rich Cimino

You will also find the White-throated Swift under the Hwy 680 overpass bridges through Pleasanton. Also the Sunol Hwy 84 overpass is a reliable place to find this species. The Ferruginous Hawk is a nice bird for a "dog walk" survey.

I have been watching for Golden Eagles around the Hwy 680/Hwy 84 area. I have not seen this species in a few weeks now. Has anyone seen Golden Eagles around this area in the last 3 weeks?

I failed to report two Snow Geese on Monday in Pleasanton near the intersection of Bernal & Valley Rds. The old San Francisco property has several ponds now due to new home construction - the birds were there.

Today returning from Woodbridge Ecological Preserve I noticed the Jennifer Lin property along Hwy 580 and east of Tassajara Rd, which was a playa for the last 25+ years( maybe centuries?) and recently drained and plumbed for drainage, and now has re-emerged as a playa and is loaded with gulls weathering the storm. This eco-area was one of the last local places for vernal pool enjoyment during the spring after a wet winter.

Also I noticed that Frick Lake in Livermore is picking up storm water. Frick Lake has had its water source diverted and channeled several years ago so it is dieing a slow death. It used to be a great spot for waders, ducks, sandpipers and swallows plus other stop-over birds.

One bird I am missing in my yard this winter is the Pine Siskin. I am hoping the storm may bring a visiting siskin

Happy yard birding this weekend.

Rich Cimino

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Re: Golden Eagles
Sat, 28 Dec 2002 17:40:00 -0800
From: Frano

I can report the Golden Eagles along Hwy 84 - Calavaras Rd about 2 weeks ago. A friend Tim and I sat in our normal spot and saw the two juveniles land on the hill and rest for about 15 minutes before taking to the thermals towards Hwy 680. They returned about 20 minutes later, but during the meantime we watched a male Northern Harrier take a meal at the top of the hill and then roost in the wide open on a dead tree making for a great look through the scope. A very white rabbit sat not 15 feet away from us the whole time not wanting to leave the cover of the long grass by the fence post and possibly endangering his life.

Good birding

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Re: White-throated Swifts under overpasses
Sat, 28 Dec 2002 19:55:48 PST
From: Denise Wight

Hello Rick and E. B. Birders,

Are you currently seeing White-throated Swifts use overpass holes as winter roosts? I don't think I have ever seen White-throated Swifts entering freeway overpass holes in winter. Maybe I'm missing their arrivals and departures. I saw 6 White-throated Swifts over Hidden Lakes Park on 21 December 2002, but they were high-flyers, just passing over.

Denise Wight
Martinez, CA

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