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Red Phalaropes continue at Hayward Regional Shoreline
Fri, 20 Dec 2002 07:54:51 -0800
From: Mike Feighner

East Bay Birders, County Birders:

For those of you still wondering about the 12 Red Phalaropes at Frank's Dump at Hayward Regional Shoreline in Alameda County reported on 16 December 2002 and reported by Phil Gordon, Peter Dramer and Ed Pandolfino, there were still 5 Red Phalaropes there right next to the tail in the pouring rain yesterday at 2 PM.

To reach Frank's Dump - from the end of W Winton Ave take the trail out to the bay. At the Bay Trail head north to the first pond north of the radio towers.

Mike Feighner, Livermore, CA, Alameda County

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Red Phalaropes at Hayward Regional Shoreline
Fri, 20 Dec 2002 16:05:13 -0800
From: Dave Quady

Hi, EBBers:

At Hayward Regional Shoreline this rainy noontime there were again (still?) six Red Phalaropes foraging actively along the north edge of the pond known as Frank�s Dump West.

Many hundreds of Willets and Marbled Godwits, tens of American Avocets, a few Greater Yellowlegs and dowitcher sp. and a single Dunlin were sheltering from the wind in one spot or another. I didn�t see any unusual ducks, hawks, shorebirds or passerines.

Good birding,
Dave Quady
Berkeley, California

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Red Phalaropes in Alameda
Fri, 20 Dec 2002 20:51:01 -0800
From: Doug Vaughan


I should add, belatedly, that there were also three Red Phalaropes just north of the breakwater at the boundary of the Elsie Romer sanctuary, Alameda South Shore, on Wednesday morning around 10:30. Just in time to be a count week bird for the Oakland Christmas Bird Count.

Likewise just under the wire was a male Eurasian Wigeon at the mitigation marsh at Martin Luther King Jr Regional Shoreline in Oakland.

Doug Vaughan

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Red Phalaropes still at Hayward Regional Shoreline
Sat, 21 Dec 2002 18:14:17 -0800
From: Bob Power

This morning at 7:15 I observed 5 Red Phalaropes continuing to forage at Hayward Regional Shoreline at Frank's Dump West. The birds were working their way through the middle of the pond, feeding frantically, and only about 30 yards from the main pathway.

Also of interest was a lone Ruddy Turnstone mixed in with the shorebirds opposite Frank's Dump.

One distant falcon sp. had me wondering where my scope-toting birding friends were, and praying that Santa receives my letter in time.

Good birding,
Bob Power

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East Contra Costa Christmas Bird Count
Mon, 21 Dec 2002 22:15:28 PST
From: Steve Glover

Hi all,

Today, December 21, we conducted the third annual East Contra Costa Christmas Bird Count and had a nice day in (for a change) gorgeous weather. Preliminary count was 134 species, which is right about in the middle of the previous counts.

Kathy Robertson and partner (I'm crappy with names) stole the show with a Brown Pelican (same bird as last year?) and 2 Red Phalaropes at Clifton Court Forebay near Byron. We saw one of the phalaropes later at the end of the levee by the outhouse. This is only the second record for Clifton Court Forebay and East Contra Costa County.

A group of five of us had the following highlights, mostly at Holland Tract, which is at the east end of Delta Rd east of Knightsen.

Also the usual wintering House Wrens, Orange-crowned Warblers, Tree Swallows, etc.

New birds for the fledgling count included Purple Finch at Round Valley and 1 or 2 adult Bald Eagles at Los Vaqueros Res.

Hope all of you have a nice holiday season,
Steve Glover

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Re: East Contra Costa Christmas Bird Count
Sun, 22 Dec 2002 13:42:35 -0800
From: Kathy Robertson

Steve Glover writes:

Kathy Robertson and partner (I'm crappy with names) stole the show with a Brown Pelican (same bird as last year?) and 2 Red Phalaropes at Clifton Court Forebay near Byron.

My partner was Nancy Christensen.

An interesting note about the Brown Pelican. On today's Birdbox, Art Edwards reported that he saw (on Saturday), an immature Brown Pelican on Lindeman Rd in Alameda County. This is near the southeast corner of Clifton Court Forebay near the junction of the Contra Costa, Alameda, and San Joaquin county lines. When Nancy and I saw our bird (we were near the northwest corner of Clifton Court Forebay), it was flying in a southeasterly direction.

Good birding and happy holidays to all,

Kathy Robertson
Hayward, CA

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Alameda County birds
Sun, 22 Dec 2002 17:25:57 -0800
From: Calvin Lou

Hi All,

At Martin Luther King Jr Regional Shoreline , the male Eurasian Wigeon was seen off the observation deck, at the end of the last [Arrowhead Marsh] parking lot. The Burrowing Owl was along the road, pass the handicap parking area. Nine Greater White-fronted Geese were also seen flying in the area.

At Frank's Dump West, Hayward Regional Shoreline, 10 Red Phalaropes continue in the northeast corner. An osprey was hunting and caught a fish, off the creek mouth. Six Black Osytercatchers were taking refuge on the piling at high tide.

At Alameda Creek Stables, I failed to find the Yellow-headed Blackbird.

77 birds seen.

Calvin D Lou

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