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New member
Sat, 28 Apr 2001 09:42:34 -0700
From: Jerrie Arko

Hi One and All

I have just found your group here in cyberspace and am so pleased to find birders so close to me!

I live in El Cerrito and have a wonderful assortment of backyard birds. I also bird a lot in the Central Valley and Arizona and England when I can.

I can see the resident Red-tailed Hawks perched on the power pole in Hillside Park (on Moeser Lane) from my bedroom window. There are a pair of Black-headed Grosbeaks nesting across the street in my neighbors' yard that come to my feeders. The Hooded Orioles are back for the sixth year and are nesting near by. This year I have had a ton of goldfinches and siskins at the feeders. Man, do they go thru a lot of niger$eed. This year I have seen Allen's Hummingbirds at the feeders for the first time. And I see an occasional Rufous Hummingbird.

I would like to join up with any of you for a gentle walk for birds at any time. I am a bit limited at the moment because of recent hip replacement surgery that has gone wrong. I can walk (slowly) and sitting in a car is no problem. (I do drive) If anyone wants another person along, let me know!!

Jerrie Arko, El Cerrito, CA

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Blue Grosbeaks in Del Puerto Canyon
Sat, 28 Apr 2001 11:36:36 -0700
From: Judi Cooper

On Thursday April 26 I birded with Mt Diablo Audubon Society in Del Puerto Canyon [west of Patterson in the Central Valley], and we had not traveled very far off Hwy 5 onto Del Puerto Canyon Rd when we stopped and enjoyed viewing approximately 4 Blue Grosbeaks (males and females) flying back and forth and perching on either side of the road. This is the first time I have ever seen them there.

We also had great looks at a Canyon Wren, a Rock Wren, House Wren, Costa's Hummingbird, Black-headed Grosbeaks, bluebirds, Bullock's Orioles and a Golden Eagle. (These are the highlights.)

Later in the trip we sighted Lewis' Woodpeckers and Lawrence's Goldfinches on San Antonio Valley Road. Our only disappointment was not seeing a roadrunner.

Good birding,
Judi Cooper

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Del Puerto Canyon addendum
Sat, 28 Apr 2001 11:40:20 -0700
From: Judi Cooper

I forgot to mention Grasshopper Sparrow, Rufous-crowned Sparrow, Lark Sparrow and Savannah Sparrows and lots of Western Kingbirds.

Judi Cooper

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Yellow-headed Blackbird at Arrowhead Marsh
Sat, 28 Apr 2001 17:42:28 -0700
From: Judith Dunham

Hi there--

On Thursday, April 26, at about 4:30 PM, our team of three counters covering the mitigation area at Arrowhead Marsh in Martin Luther King Jr Regional Shoreline (Oakland) saw a male Yellow-headed Blackbird perched in plain view on a rock at the edge of the easternmost seasonal pond (pond 3 to fellow counters). It gave us a good look, then flew into the nearby grassy area. Many Red-winged Blackbirds were in the area. I've never seen a yellow-head in this area in my three years of counting - or this species this far west.


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Costa's Hummingbird
Sun, 29 Apr 2001 15:48:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: Emilie Strauss

Costa's Hummingbird seen in Berkeley (Alameda County) today from about 10:00 to 13:00; have heard it "teakettle whistling" since April 24.

It's most easily seen from Berkeley Way, which is located north of University Ave and south of Hearst Ave, perching on wires and conifer tips in the general address region of 1620 to 1624 Berkeley Way. This is just east of California Ave. (I don't know any of these people so you might want to keep your binoculars pointed away from their windows).

It's a male.

It was also seen by Bob and Barbara Brandiff and Becca Freed.

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