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Warblers at Tilden
Thu, 3 May 2001 13:03:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: Karen Peterson

Hi East Bay Birders

Today at about 11 AM on the Upper Packrat Trail at Tilden Regional Park Nature Area, in addition to the usual Wilson's Warblers and lingering Townsend's Warblers, I saw a Black-throated Gray Warbler and a MacGillivray's Warbler. The Mac was so close to the trail and cooperative that I could clearly see his white eye arcs. I also saw 2 Warbling Vireo's doing The Deed, and many Swainson's Thrushes were calling from the underbrush. A Stellar's Jay was imitating Bushtits, maybe planning a surprise raid on their nests.

Bird on
Karen Peterson

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Ocotillo Bandito
Thu, 3 May 2001 16:25:42 -0700 (PDT)
From: Emilie Strauss

The Costa's Hummingbird was still present today about 1 PM on the wires above 1611 Berkeley Way in Berkeley.

I have not yet been able to observe it feeding on anything. If anybody observes what it is foraging on, I would be very interested to hear about it.

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Backyard birds
Thu, 3 May 2001 20:49:08 -0700
From: Jerrie Arko

Hope this message gets thru. I have sent several messages and they seem to have disappeared!

My backyard looks like a nursery today. Several American Goldfinch mommies feeding babies. Two Lesser Goldfinches watching their babies flutter, and (!!) I just discovered a nesting pair of Chestnut-backed Chickadees in an old birdhouse that has hung in the tree for years. Never been occupied before. I was sitting close by with my morning cuppa and watched one of the pair fly to the sunflower feeder and then back to the nest. Great show for awhile.

One of my earlier posts that seems to have gone into cyberspace concerned some nesting chickadees that my daughter and I watched for a couple of hours last Tuesday. Janey has been watching them for over a week. They aren't Chestnut-backed Chickadees, they really seem to be Black-capped Chickadees. Very gray, very white cheeks, black head, not much of a bib. Their behavior seemed different from the birds here in the yard. They are nesting behind DeAnza High School, Santa Rita Road, Richmond. If anyone wants directions to the site, let me know. It is a very birdy little patch. We had Spotted Towhees, Red-shouldered Hawk being mobbed by an American Crow, lots of singing House Finches and a couple of Allen's Hummingbirds. Even a Band-tailed Pigeon showed up.

Jerrie Arko, El Cerrito

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Re: Ocotillo Bandito
Fri, 4 May 2001 15:15:57 PDT
From: Mark Rauzon

The bandito [Costa's Hummingbird] struck again today around 11 AM, this time in the top of a redwood at 1617 Berkeley Way, Berkeley. It was a distant look but purple glinted off his moustache. While looking skyward, I saw a Green Heron flying over the street heading towards Ohlone Greenway. That is certainly a birdy street, with a pair of Black Phoebes there too.

Mark Rauzon

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Least Terns and Red Knots in Richmond
Fri, 4 May 2001 17:41:47 -0700 (PDT)
From: Emilie Strauss

In Contra Costa County today, the California Least Terns have returned to the islands just south of Central Avenue near Point Isabel in Richmond. There were approximately 7 on the islands (about 3 to 5 pairs), and another 7 to 10 foraging over the water. Between 10:30 AM to 12 noon today, there were also several California Least Terns foraging along the trail between Point Isabel and Marina Bay. There were four Red Knots in alternate plumage near the old duck blind and pier by Meeker Slough [just south of Richmond Marina Bay housing development].

In Alameda County, the Costa's Hummingbird was still present on the wire at 1611 Berkeley Way in Berkeley about 3 PM.

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Redwood Regional Park on April 29
Fri, 4 May 2001 20:11:26 PDT
From: Anthony Fisher

Tardy report for Redwood Regional Park: April 29, 2001

On West Ridge Trail above Fishway, heard 2 male and 1 female and the "honking" Great Horned Owls. Watched a male hooting from a redwood top. The dawn chorus included many Spotted Towhee, Warbling Vireo, Orange-crowned Warbler in the scrubby/oak habitat. A Hermit Thrush was singing exquisitely. Near the intersection of West Ridge & Tate Trails, 2 California Thrashers were working the trail, collecting unidentified invertebrates to feed their young. They were juxtaposed with a pair of brush rabbits that were dust-bathing on the powdery trail. For some reason I found this scene comical. A male Sharp-shinned Hawk, working the trail, had to pull up to avoid my head.

Descending Chown Trail, I was inspecting some splatters of white birdscat when the contributor landed on a nearby redwood branch, just above eye level. This female Sharp-shinned Hawk was unimpressed with me, so I lay on the trail and watched her for 10 minutes while a Western Tanager was calling and singing in the canopy. I got up and left the hawk there.

I checked the Cooper's Hawk nest and the immature female was there. Found a patch of coralroot orchids under the oaks. Found nests of Warbling Vireo, Oak Titmouse, Chestnut-backed Chickadee along Redwood Creek. Watched an immaculate Hermit Warbler singing and worming in the oaks along the creek. This "lemonhead" was gorgeous in the morning light. A Hairy Woodpecker rounded out the morning.

At the playground at Lake Merritt, a Vaux's Swift was seen two times this week.

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Re: Redwood Regional Park on April 29
Fri, 04 May 2001 20:23:35 -0700
From: Mary

Anthony Fisher wrote:

Tardy report for Redwood Park: April 29, 2001 ....

May I just say that I love this kind of bird reporting. It's easier on my eyes than plain ol' lists. It brings me right there to the park.

Thank you  :)

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Black Diamond
Fri, 4 May 2001 23:59:46 PDT
From: Gail DeLalla

Both White-crowned Sparrows and Golden-crowned Sparrows were near the Somersville parking lot at Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve near Antioch this morning. Also a male Western Bluebird with an albino half on his head frequents the parking lot and picnic area. I saw the same bird there last spring.


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