[EBB Sightings] Arrowhead Marsh today

[EBB Sightings] Arrowhead Marsh today

The Arthurs
Mon Feb 01 15:33:23 PST 2010
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    Hi. I birded Arrowhead Marsh for a little over an hour today (1:30 PM - 2:45 
    PM). Still very high tide, excellent birding. There were Soras and Clapper 
    Rails on grassy mats in the water, and a huge gathering of Willets, Marbled 
    Godwits, dowitchers, and Black-necked Stilts nearby on a wooden walkway over 
    the marsh. The marshy areas farther out had scaup, Canvasbacks, a few Surf 
    Scoters and American Coots. The "goose field" had numerous Canada Geese, a 
    small group of Greater White-fronted, and at least three Cackling. Also an 
    apparent hybrid Swan Goose/Canada Goose. The nearby shoreline had scaup 
    flocks, Common Goldeneyes, a flock of Surf Scoters, and the PACIFIC LOON. 
    The loon was on the water near the dirt jetty. The ponds behind the fence, 
    across the street from the marsh/bay, had Northern Pintail, Northern 
    Shoveler, Mallard, Green-winged Teal, American Wigeon, and a single 
    rufous-morph female EURASIAN WIGEON. Also a large flock of loafing gulls 
    that included Ring-billed, California, Western, and Glaucous-winged.
    Noah Arthur, Oakland 

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