[EBB Sightings] Fremont ferruginous

[EBB Sightings] Fremont ferruginous

Michele Setter
Tue Jan 12 09:51:15 PST 2010
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    Made the trip south (1/8) to scope out the ferruginous hawk. Upon entering
    the parking lot near the "Elite Group" sign, we spotted it flying over,
    heading east. Thinking we missed our chance, we decided to head out and look
    for the golden eagle. We walked out along the trail (Linear Park) and found
    the eagle almost immediately - it was flying low and made a few passes
    around the ponds before landing on a fence in the field. Watched interesting
    interactions between it and some ravens.
    We walked the trail and checked out the ponds. No blue-winged teal or
    bittern, but lots of gulls (good practice!), COMMON MERGANSER, CINNAMON
    TEAL, RUDDY DUCK, HARRIER (male and female), COMMON MOORHEN, even a
    LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE dropped by. Also saw a very dark morph juvi red-tailed on
    a nearby tower.
    The ferruginous did return to the field and we got good, although distant,
    looks of it while perching on a NWR sign as well as on the ground. A raven
    joined it on the ground and they just hung out together as cows passed by...
    Michele Setter
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