[EBB Sightings] Shoreline Drive, Alameda shorebirds

[EBB Sightings] Shoreline Drive, Alameda shorebirds

The Arthurs
Tue Jan 26 18:06:57 PST 2010
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    Today I birded the beach near Shoreline Dr, across from Alameda Towne Center 
    and AMF Bowling between 1:00 and 2:00 PM. The mudflats were exposed all the 
    way across to San Leandro Marina, and they were full of shorebirds. Most of 
    the birds were foraging relatively far out on the mudflats, but still close 
    enough to be identified. There were also numerous ducks on the water, most 
    too far out to be identified, but flocks of scaup stayed closer in, even 
    joining the shorebirds on the mud. The marshy/grassy areas produced 
    surprisingly few songbirds. Species seen were:
    Surf Scoter - numerous; far out on the water.
    Ruddy Duck - several
    Greater Scaup - 1 identified; probably more
    Lesser Scaup - numerous.
    Snowy Egreat - 5.
    American Coot - several.
    Glaucous-winged Gull - 1.
    possible Thayer's Gull - 1.
    Western Gull - 3.
    Mew Gull - numerous.
    Ring-billed Gull - numerous.
    Black-bellied Plover - numerous.
    Semipalmated Plover - 20.
    Dowitcher sp. - 1.
    Willet - 15.
    Marbled Godwit - numerous.
    Dunlin - numerous.
    Least Sandpiper - numerous.
    Western Sandpiper - numerous.
    Sanderling - 1.
    City Pigeon - 30; on the sand in one flock
    Western Meadowlark - 1.
    Song Sparrow - 3.
    Common Yellowthroat - 4.
    Noah Arthur

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