[EBB Sightings] Martinez

[EBB Sightings] Martinez

Wed Nov 18 18:01:34 PST 2009
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] American Bittern @ Coyote Hills 11/18/09
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    Greetings All,
    I decided to check out Waterfront Park in Martinez, yesterday.  As I crossed 
    under the freeway on Marina Vista
    Ave. heading East, I saw a large grouping of Egrets on the north side of the
    road, in the small marsh area just over the railroad tracks.  I hung a
    u-turn and parked in a graveled area just beside the road.  I had never seen
    large numbers of Egrets in such a concentrated spot before and decided to do
    an actual count.  There were 92 Snowy Egrets, 12 Great Egrets, 9
    Black-necked Stilts, 4 Lesser Yellowlegs, and 13 Long-billed Dowitchers.  I
    did count the Snowy Egrets twice to be sure, but because of the reeds in
    some areas, the count might have been more for all the species there.  An
    unbelievable sight  to behold, indeed.
    Good Birding
    Paul Brenner,

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