[EBB Sightings] Perched Golden eagle

[EBB Sightings] Perched Golden eagle

gerry argenal
Sun Nov 29 12:24:04 PST 2009
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    I live in the hills of Lafayette a short distance from the upper rim trail. I'm always "looking up" for the occasional Osprey, Red Tails,etc. There in a large old Cedar tree? in my neighbors backyard was a very large Golden Eagle sunning itself at 8am. It seemed happy just to sit and preen. Then at 10:00?the resident Red Tail in my area decided that was enough time. It start buzzing it showing it's talons then finally actually?went for a hit.? The eagle?positioned himself for flight and took off--it was spectacular this huge bird flying over my driveway and?flew towards?the Red Tail--then you could really ?appreciate?the size difference. They flew off towards Orinda, Red tail still occasionally harassing it. A great Thanksgiving Day gift!?
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