[EBB Sightings] Birds and Windows (was life and death at the A's game)

[EBB Sightings] Birds and Windows (was life and death at the A's game)

Hilary Powers
Sun Sep 20 22:03:25 PDT 2009
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] life and death at the A's game
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    Susan Russell wrote:
    > On a separate note, 2 days ago a FOS hermit thrush crashed into our 
    > picture windows.  Unfortunately, it did not survive but I'm hoping there 
    > will be others to follow that do not mistake our windows for a 
    > throughway.  I do have decals on the windows but they are not always a 
    > deterrent.
    Try David Sibley's remedy: use a yellow hiliter marker to draw a 2"x3" 
    grid on the window - he says people can't see it, but for birds, who see 
    in UV, it's as good as a closed curtain....
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