[EBB Sightings] Biking Del Puerto Canyon

[EBB Sightings] Biking Del Puerto Canyon

Sun Jun 21 18:39:04 PDT 2009
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Fledgling Green Heron in Heather Farm
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    Ann Griffith , Jim Chiropolos and I took advantage of cooler temperatures to bike this morning from I5 up Del Puerto Canyon to the 20 mile marker and back.  We were rewarded with great scenery, Roadrunners at two locations, a Blue Grosbeak at Graffite Rocks, Costa's Hummingbirds among others.  This is a great biking trip as the road follows the creek all the way up and we were able to stop wherever we desired. 
    47 species in total were seen:
    Green-back Heron (8 seen at various locations)
    Turkey Vulture
    Red-tailed Hawk
    Golden Eagle
    American Kestrel
    California Quail
    Rock Dove
    Mourning Dove
    Eurasian Collared Dove
    Greater Roadrunner (3 at about the 7.5 mile marker and 1 running on the road at about the 11 mile marker). Great overall looks that were the highlight of the day).
    Costa?s Hummingbird (2 females)
    Acorn Woodpecker
    Nuttall?s Woodpecker
    Black Phoebe
    Say?s Phoebe
    Western Kingbird
    Violet-green Swallow
    Northern Rough-winged Swallow
    Cliff Swallow
    Barn Swallow
    Scrub Jay
    Yellow-billed Magpie (being pestered by a Western Kingbird)
    Common Raven
    Oak Titmouse
    Rock Wren
    Canyon Wren
    Bewick?s Wren
    House Wren
    Western Bluebird
    Northern Mockingbird
    Loggerhead Shrike
    European Starling
    Black-headed Grosbeak
    Blue Grosbeak
    Spotted Towhee
    Brown Towhee
    Lark Sparrow
    Rufous-crowned Sparrow
    Western Meadowlark
    Brewer?s Blackbird
    Bullock?s Oriole
    House Finch
    Lesser Goldfinch
    Lawrence?s Goldfinch (at the campground up the road from Frank Raines Park)

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