[EBB Sightings] rainy morning at Jewel Lake (again)

[EBB Sightings] rainy morning at Jewel Lake (again)

Phila Rogers
Sun May 03 10:46:18 PDT 2009
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    Good Morning Birders:
    I, too, was birding this morning, but unlike Denise, long after the dawn chorus.  And the rain had switched from a drenching downpour to a steady, light rain.  No sign of either the late Ruby-crowned Kinglet or the Green Heron reported yesterday by John Poole.  The birds were plentiful enough with Wilson's and Orange-crowned Warblers along with both towhees and a very vocal (is there another kind?) Hutton's Vireo -- the 'Johnny two-note' of the vireo family.  I heard only a brief stanza from the Black-headed Grosbeak and still just the single call note from the Swainson's Thrush -- the two virtuoso singers in the canyon.  Also briefly heard an Olive-sided Flycatcher but none of the brush/grasslands species like the buntings and bluebirds recorded by Denise.
    Last year I did properly acknowledge the dawn chorus day with Joe Eaton -- or more accurately the pre-dawn, non-chorus as we arrived at Jewel Lake well before dawn.  Thoroughly chilled by the heavy fog we retreated to where we saw some sun in the vicinity of Inspiration Point where we heard an Ash-throated Flycatcher who appeared to be a nesting bird.
    I, too, probably like other birders would enjoy recording bird calls and songs.  What kind of equipment do you recommend, Denise?
    - Phila Rogers

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