[EBB Sightings] Dawn Chorus at Tilden Park

[EBB Sightings] Dawn Chorus at Tilden Park

Denise Wight
Sun May 03 09:10:22 PDT 2009
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    Hi E.B. Birders,
    Today is International Dawn Chorus Day.? As a dedicated birder-by-ear I was out at Tilden Park recording bird sounds at 5:25 am.? I was able to record a few interesting vocalizations along the road near Inspiration Point before the heavy rains began.
    The highlights: 
    Three Olive-sided Flycatchers overlapping calls in the same general area. 
    Western Bluebird's dawn song heard throughout the pines. I recorded one that was singing from a pine close to the road.
    Western Wood Peewee was giving it full song that sounds like a swing going back and forth. 
    Orange-crowned Warbler song started out with long silent intervals. These intervals shortened with the increasing light.
    American Robin, Spotted Towhee and Song Sparrow were the first to be heard while Great Horned Owl was still calling. House Wren, Brown Creeper, Lazuli Bunting and many other species could be heard a bit later.
    I had hoped to pick up some migrant songs, but no luck.? I ended, rather drenched, at 6:20 am. I think I'm going to have to do this again soon, on a day when the weather less inclement, and I can actually see the sun rise!
    All the Best Birding,
    Denise Wight
    Moraga, CA

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