[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline (5/6)

[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline (5/6)

Bob Richmond
Tue May 06 22:52:07 PDT 2008
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    The following was seen at the shoreline today -
    Cackling Goose - 1, no April records until 2007, no May records until 2008.
    Sharp-shinned Hawk - 1, this is my first May record at the shoreline.
    Wilson's Phalarope - 1 in Frank's Dump West.
    Red Phalarope - 2, 1 in Frank's Dump West, 1 in Hayward Marsh seen in the closest pond to the trail.
    Least Tern - 9, 7 in Frank's Dump West, 2 seen flying over Hayward Marsh.
    Black Tern - 8 in Hayward Marsh flying over the closest pond to the trail.
    Olive-sided Flycatcher - 1, seen from the east side of Ora Loma Marsh in the Eucalyptus trees on the west end of Skywest Golf Course.
    Western Wood Pewee - 1 seen at Winton Ave.
    Horned Lark - 2 seen on the Radio Tower Hills, 1 adult and 1 fledgling.
    Swainson's Thrush - 2, 1 at Winton Ave. and 1 in the trees near Frank's Dump East.
    Cassin's Vireo - 1, seen from the esat side of Ora Loma Marsh.
    Yellow Warbler - 1 in the trees near Frank's Dump East.
    Western Tanager - 3, 1 in the trees across Winton Ave. from the Park Office, 2 seen from the east side of Ora Loma Marsh.
    Hooded Oriole - 4, 2 in the trees next th Frank's Dump East, 1 seen from the east side of Ora Loma Marsh, and 1 at Winton Ave.
    Good birding

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