[EBB Sightings] lower Mines Rd - chat, gnatcatcher et al.

[EBB Sightings] lower Mines Rd - chat, gnatcatcher et al.

Tue May 06 16:50:46 PDT 2008
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    Greetings all,
    I took a visiting birder friend out for a brief noontime drive today to
    the beginning of Mines Rd. Missed some of our chaparral targets, but had a
    few nice birds anyhow.
    Jaan Lepson
    Livermore, ALA
    Highlights included:
    YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT - nice view on the downstream side of the bridge just
    before you head up the canyon.  No vocalizations.
    probable SWAINSON'S THRUSH - same location.  He glimpsed what he thought
    was a Swainson's at the same time I heard what I thought was a Swainson's.
    BLUE-GRAY GNATCATCHER - just uphill of the MP 5.75 curve
    RUFOUS-CROWNED SPARROW - singing at MP 5.75 curve
    WRENTIT - singing at MP 5.75 curve
    CALIFORNIA THRASHER - seen, but silent at MP 5.75 curve
    GOLDEN EAGLE - one at MP 5.75 curve, one at junction with Rd to Del Valle
    (both adults).  My New Jersey friend was most pleased, though I admit I've
    gotten used to them.
    possible CALLIOPE HUMMINGBIRD?? - two in chase at MP 5.75 curve.  Did not
    get to look at them, only saw two small hummers in a chase whose wing
    trill did not sound like Anna's or Rufous/Allen's.
    ho-hum birds, but still nice to see (and all out of taxonomic order!):
    Yellow-billed Magpie (including one without a tail), W. Scrub-Jay, W.
    Bluebird, House Finch, Lesser Goldfinch, Bewick's Wren, Black-headed
    Grosbeak, Turkey, Turkey Vulture, Red-winged and Red-shouldered Hawks,
    Acorn Woodpecker, Anna'a Hummingbird, Hooded Oriole, California Quail, N.
    Flicker, N. Rough-winged Swallow, Red-winged (Bicolored) Blackbird,
    Killdeer, Western Kingbird, Ash-throated Flycatcher, Oak Titmouse.
    missed: Phainopepla, Roadrunner, Lazuli Bunting

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