[EBB Sightings] As the worm turns - Oaktown Mockingbirds v. horny squirrels, hawk v. pigeon

[EBB Sightings] As the worm turns - Oaktown Mockingbirds v. horny squirrels, hawk v. pigeon

Mon May 05 22:26:40 PDT 2008
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    Eventful day today in the Laurel neighborhood. 
    This morning..
    Two squirrels bent on a romantic treetop interlude were rudely interrupted by one of my very territorial mockingbirds who flew near them and kept up a r-r-r-r-r-a-a-a-a-c-c-c-k-et that they backed down the sidewalk tree and moved down the street, the male still trying to do what males do.
    This afternoon as I was driving down my street with my daughter to take her to her music lesson, she saw what looked like a juvenile sharp-shinned hawk standing on the sidewalk.  I stopped the car and  we kind of stared at it, wondering if it was injured or otherwise unable to fly. Then I saw why. There was a pigeon hiding underneath a car right in front of the hawk. Well we couldn't hang around as my daughter had to get to her lesson so we drove on. On the way back I saw the pigeon legs up by the speed bump although it quickly righted itself as I passed by. I went back to investigate and saw that it had been seriously wounded, bleeding below the wing.  Not one to disturb one's dinner I left it alone and sure enough, minutes later it was gone.
    Marcus Pun
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