[EBB Sightings] Martinez and Berkeley 4/12-4/13

[EBB Sightings] Martinez and Berkeley 4/12-4/13

Craig Cartwright
Sun Apr 13 15:47:04 PDT 2008
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    Made a few stops at a couple Martinez favorites this
    weekend and was rewarded with some interesting species
    Around 7pm on 4/12 we stopped at the McNabney Marsh
    right off 680 and got quite an eye-full.
    Two pairs of Cinnamon Teal are displaying mating
    behavior in the small pond right at where you enter
    the marsh parking lot from Waterbird Road.  We also
    spied a beautiful Common Moorhen.  Marsh Wrens were
    singing and clearly visable.  The Great-Tailed
    Grackles are now visible everywhere.
    On the main marsh, ducks and sandpipers were in
    greater numbers than I can ever recall -- we could
    clearly see Pintail, American Wigeon, Northern
    Shoveler and more Cinnamon Teal.  Hundreds of Willets
    were whizzing about overhead and found throughout the
    marsh, along with spectacular American Avocets and
    Black-Necked Stilts in full breeding plumage.
    Also about 6 White Pelicans were on the marsh.
    After this we drove over to the Martinez Marina. 
    Nothing too exciting to note, other than a pair of
    relatively tame Black-Bellied Plovers working the
    shore of the little lake -- a birding first for me. 
    Was surprised to see Golden Crowned Sparrows (don't
    they usually leave by now) in the bushes around the
    lake.  Also saw a pair of Brown Headed Cowbirds.
    We decided to make a brief stop at the Berkeley Marina
    the morning of 4/13.  Plenty of grebes and ducks
    (mostly Scaups) on the bay.  Of note on the grassy
    areas were a hunting Northern Harrier along with
    plenty of Western Meadowlarks and a White Throated
    Happy birding...
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