[EBB Sightings] Green Heron Lake Temescal

[EBB Sightings] Green Heron Lake Temescal

Bob Power
Thu Feb 28 12:23:27 PST 2008
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    Hi all:
    A pre-work trip into Lake Temescal (Broadway Terrace /
    Oakland) had a Green Heron actively working around the
    southwest corner of the lake. Beautiful light,
    gorgeous bird. 
    I zipped into Winton Ave and had a number of
    selasphorous fly-bys. One bird finally perched, but
    head-on towards me.  I thought I caught a notched tail
    through the scope but opted to take pictures of the
    little cutie, so it's a no-i.d. until I download the
    pics tonight, and then it will likely be noted as
    "selasphorous hummingbird."  
    26 Cackling Geese were with the Canada Geese on the
    south slope of Radio Towers hill across the channel
    from the parking area. 
    Good birding,
    Bob Power
    Oakland, CA

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