[EBB Sightings] South Greenville Road Kingbird pond is Private Property

[EBB Sightings] South Greenville Road Kingbird pond is Private Property

Bob Power
Thu Feb 21 12:00:04 PST 2008
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    Hi all:
    Yesterday a.m., in re-reading all of the Cassin's
    Kingbird reports and following directions, I was
    staring at a NO TRESPASSING sign on the road to
    Kingbird pond at the beginning of the gravel section
    of south Greenville Rd.  I was perplexed by the lack
    of any reports mentioning this sign on the way to the
    pond. And why wouldn't I be trespassing if I
    Having spoken to the winery owner at the end of South
    Greenville, I learned that the owner of the kingbird
    pond is the owner of Stony Ridge Winery.  I called the
    winery today. I had a very pleasant and extended
    conversation with the owner.  From where the gravel
    road begins, is a private road, which he owns. He has
    not given anyone permission to enter his property. He
    has politely asked people to leave, on occasion.  He
    enjoys the birds and nature and wishes he could open
    up the property, but .... insert 10 minutes of
    conversation about lawsuits and liability here....
    To summarize: No one has been given permission to go
    through those gates to that back pond. Twice I've been
    back there, feared I was trespassing, did not feel
    good about it, and wanted to track down what the
    status of this access is.  I have committed to the
    property owner that I would get the word out to the
    birding community.  
    Good birding,
    Bob Power
    Oakland, CA

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