[EBB Sightings] Yellow-billed magpies and wild turkeys in Fremont

[EBB Sightings] Yellow-billed magpies and wild turkeys in Fremont

Stephanie Floyd
Sun Jan 13 18:41:00 PST 2008
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    Ohlone College off Mission Boulevard in Fremont is a
    reliable place to find resident YELLOW-BILLED MAGPIES.
    I saw about six of them between 4:00 and 5:00 this
    afternoon on the hillside above the pond at the top of
    the campus. A pair of SAY'S PHOEBES was up there as
    well (along with a lot of starlings). An AMERICAN
    KESTREL favors the lightposts along the
    pedestrian-only road above the pond. The campus is
    also good for red-shouldered hawks, California quail,
    western bluebird, Steller's jay, dark-eyed junco,
    great horned owl, barn owl, and many more, many of
    which nest here, but I did not see them today. I found
    a LESSER GOLDFINCH in a tree near the pond, and on the
    pond, along with the coots and mallards and sort-of
    mallards, was an adult female COMMON GOLDENEYE. I
    heard northern flicker and acorn woodpecker. At the
    gated end of Witherly Lane, accessed off Anza Street
    on campus, a PURPLE FINCH along with a few
    WHITE-CROWNED SPARROWS claimed the top of a bushy tree
    in the gully down from the house. A RED-TAILED HAWK
    watched it all from a perch in a tree high up on the
    About 2 miles west of the campus, from the turnaround
    at the end of Ocasa Camino at Antelope Hills, at
    sunset I found the flock of seven WILD TURKEYS roaming
    the southeast hillside.  Nearby, two deer lying in the
    golden grass chewed as they watched the whole western
    sky turn bright orange on this chilly winter evening.
    Stephanie Floyd
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