[EBB Sightings] FW: Yellow Rail seen Jan 21st as well

[EBB Sightings] FW: Yellow Rail seen Jan 21st as well

Kris Olson
Tue Jan 22 08:38:21 PST 2008
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    Thought this post might be on interest to EBB birders.
    Kris Olson, Menlo Park
    Alameda, Contra Costa, & Sacramento Co. 
    Posted by: "Frances Oliver" hummer52 at sbcglobal.net ? hummer52ffo 
    Mon Jan?21,?2008 8:41?pm (PST) 
    Today Jim Rowoth & I headed off to Arrowhead Marsh for the YELLOW RAIL that
    was found yesterday by Bob Power's Birding Class. When we arrived others
    already had it in view! It was swimming and wandering along the grass right
    next to the board walk due to the high tide. Didn't even need your bins to
    get great views! In fact lots of rails (CLAPPERS, SORA'S VIRGINIA RAILS)
    were out and about in the water or along the edge allowing us to have a
    great view of them. In the distance was a hunting SHORT-EARED OWL. 
    Next we were off to Lake Merritt for the reported LT Duck & Redhead. Found
    lots of Scaup, both Common & BARROW'S GOLDENEYES, and a number of
    Canvasback. But no LT Duck or Redhead. Around the Berkeley Marina area &
    Cesar Chavez Park we found 2 PELAGIC CORMORANTS, 2 BLACK OYSTERCATCHERS, & 2
    Stopped off at Miller Knox Regional Shoreline where there was a BRANT
    resting on the grass. Apparently it has been there for the last few months,
    but it is still a hard bird to find in the county (per CC record complier
    Steve Glover) 
    We returned back to the Central Valley by way of Hwy 12 & Sherman Island Rd.
    Highlights included an adult WESTERN GULL along the levee on some pilings,
    between 1500-2000 ALEUTIAN CANADA GEESE resting in a field about halfway
    around the loop, and thousand of GREATER-WHITE FRONTED & SNOW/ROSS'S GEESE
    in the middle of the island (too far to disguise the mix of Snow vs Ross).
    Good Birding!
    Lodi, CA

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