Fwd: [EBB Sightings] Fwd: oiled birds in Lake Merritt!!!!!

Fwd: [EBB Sightings] Fwd: oiled birds in Lake Merritt!!!!!

Akira S
Fri Nov 16 22:12:31 PST 2007
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    Forwarding a GOOD NEWS from Stephanie Benavidez, Supervising
    Naturalist at Lake Merrit, saying that the earlier report about the
    oiled birds at Lake Merritt was greatly exaggerated.
    (I received this message earlier and replied to her, but didn't
    realize that it hadn't been sent to the EBB list. Sorry for the delay
    in passing along the good news.)
    Akira So
    Alameda Co.
    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Benavidez, Stephanie 
    Date: Nov 16, 2007 1:50 PM
    Subject: RE: [EBB Sightings] Fwd: oiled birds in Lake Merritt!!!!!
    To: Akira S 
    I have left a phone message for Mr. McRae with a call back number. I am
    letting everyone know that their is no oil from the accident in Lake
    Merrittt. Second the lake is not teeming with oiled birds. To date we have
    rescued 6 diving birds species(grebes,goldeneye,greater scaup and ruddy
    duck)A call to Oakland Police by a citizen reported 100 oiled cormorants
    which is not true. People who are not experienced birders may not understand
    what to look for. Cormorants sit low in the water to begin with and because
    of their dark colors may appear to an inexperence person to be oiled. The
    person saw a dead cormorant and may have thought it too be a victim of the
    spill. Because it is migration time we tend to pick up dead birds from time
    to time that the migration is too much especially if they are older birds.
    The Rotary nature Center is open 7 days a week holidays included to moniter
    the lake and respond to calls. The Lake Merritt Sailboat House staff, the
    Lake Merritt Institute volunteers and Public Work Agency have every area
    covered to protect the Lake and its inhabitants. This also speaks to why we
    can not do boat rescues any where near the large rafts of migrants. We do
    not want to scatter them out of the lake and into any areas still with oil.
    Please feel free to pass this information on as needed. If the public sees
    any birds dead, struggling or in need of help call the Rotary Nature Center
    at 238-6645
    Stephanie Benavidez
    Supervising Naturalist
    sbenavidez at oaklandnet.com
    510 867-0669
    -----Original Message-----
    From: sightings-bounces at diabloaudubon.com
    [mailto:sightings-bounces at diabloaudubon.com]On Behalf Of Akira S
    Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 8:23 PM
    To: sightings at diabloaudubon.com
    Subject: [EBB Sightings] Fwd: oiled birds in Lake Merritt!!!!!
    Forwarding at the request of Mr. George Mc Rae, who is having a
    problem posting to the list.
    Akira So
    Alameda Co.
    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    Hi everyone on the list,
    Lake Merritt, in Oakland,  is also, according to a phone conversation
    with a rescuer, teeming with oiled birds. Lake Merritt for those not
    familiar is a tidally fed lake, attached to the Oakland/Alameda
    slough. According to my source the oil boom didn't go up in place
    until Saturday, November 10, four days after the spill.  Please pass
    on accordingly. Here is the oldest bird sanctuary in the United
    States, apparently completely neglected.
    George Mc Rae
    5810 Barrett Ave.
    El Cerrito, Ca. 94530-1411
    home phone: 510-233-7374
    url: Voicewhiz.com
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